
Computer course for women in Berlin: Zwischen Empowerment und Systemkritik

Computer course for women in Berlin: Zwischen Empowerment und Systemkritik

Berlin taz | Keine Angst vor Computern“ – so here is the first IT-Weiterbildung at Frauen Computer Zentrum Berlin (FCZB). In 1984, the center of the world was abandoned for all the most concerned abbaen. The teilnehmerinnen learn in the Kurs, with the blobs, gray Desktop-Rechnern umzugehen, the damals are new in the Buros-kamen. There is an enormous amount of supply and new opportunities on the labor market. With the Kurs “Frauen ran a technology” image of the Zentrum in 1988, when dozens of computer courses were launched – from Frauen for Frauen.

“Wir wollen Frauen empowern – immer mit de Strukturen in Blick”, says Renate Wielpütz at a Festveranstaltung zum 40. Geburtstag, the Zentrum is a meeting place with Podiumdiscussion, Vorträgen and Vernetzungstreffen in the Vereinsräumen in the Kreuzberger and feierte. ‘Es was that Ära Kohl. And when we telephone in Berlin, one thing is said: Es war finster,” said that.

The feminist movement Gründerinnen believe that the new technology is useful, one of the Gleichberechtigung voranzubringen. A woolen ganz will last a night. When people are ever young, the environment will be from small to who makes the choice with the technology that ermutig – where people will disappear. In the Fortbildungen women can see and realize their “Faithfulness and courage”.

The center focuses on the fact that her children are a woman, who after Schwangerschaft, Geburt and der damals still long “Family phase” Wege zurück in the robbery such. You may want to start a new confrontation. When we had never developed the Schreib machine, it is now possible to use a Desktop-Rechner. If it isn’t different, it should be different. Selbstverständlich war für das FCZB von Anfang an, die Kurse in Teilzeit anzubiten, damit sie für die Teilnehmerinnen with dem Familienleben or other Verpflichtungen vereinbar were.

Gegen die Idee von Technik als Teufelszeug

With computer courses you should know that the broader state of affairs in your own field over the years, the Gründerin Wielpütz – gives an impetus to the digital technology that can be used as a “Tufelszeug”. The Gründerinnen of the FCZB day can have a chance at self-distribution. If you are concerned about taking a technically critical step, you should do so. “Something has been said: Microsoft is dating colonialist, but another example in the turmoil is that it is the worst. If you don’t want to know how to use Word or Excel anymore, and use Microsoft’s software,” said an ehemil edit at the business processes.

I am FCZB and have my own Bundesweit, the IT-Weiterbildungen for Frauen-anboten. A colleague for women who work in Bürojobs or for those things who have better IT knowledge are still not one of the most important things in the FCZB. It is likely that it is the case that users use intelligent information. And if you buy it, choose the tools you need, like Sybille Würz. You have been working as an IT Trainer for 36 years.

“I learn and learn what the technology does, it is a matter of fast and standard weiterzuentwickeln,” said Würz. In the Nullerjahren with the access to social media there are many possibilities. “If you are one of the people with the viewfinder, an Internet or an AI: Our Grundfragen since owntlich immer: Was ist das, who use it and was cann ich damit therereichen?”, Erklärt si.

It is very important, in my training and critical thinking and ethical considerations. “Wir said that the function of KI was the design of the Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechner, and that KI-Tools could slate. Over and above the limits,” said the IT Trainer. If you want, the AI ​​is a “haluziniert” if you do not find any information. Or no matter how useful the Limits of AI are, how you can deal with the Fehlinformatie or Verzerrungen. Würz focuses on the use of an ‘AI and data literacy’, which has a knowledge and knowledge in memory with dating and intelligent intelligence.

Kurse von Frauen für Frauen im FCZB

Photo: John Colton/Sabine Drwenzki

Verhaltenskodex for AI

The central image is no longer available, but it is an initiative that offers general new technical solutions – or other solutions. So register the members of the FCZB together with 30 other organizations under the Leitung der Initiative D64, a “Democratic Code of Conduct”.

That Verhaltenscodex can put an end to the creation of an organization and an initiative that never has the time, knowledge or resources, its own person. If you want to determine the direction you want to use, then it is a “conservative or exploratory”, a certain or offensive idea of ​​​​wollen. If you notice the fragmentation, assume you can use a human authorization or an AI-generated woolen fabric. Oder der Umgang mit Bildern. “I am at FCZB with a new operating system, with AI-Tools that did not take pictures of people,” said IT Trainer in Würz.

Since 1998, the center of attention has been established since the first Fortbildung für fledged Frauen durch. Damals is a group that deals with the qualification of women, which Duscha Rosen takes from the Geschäftsführungsteam. The troubleshooting course is a larger component of the job. Since 2016, it has been time for women with flight backgrounds, who gain some new experiences with three weeks of digital technology and experience in Berlin.

If mother’s “Little Fear of Computers” was like this, he is talking about “IT know-how for the working world”. Although it is not true when the tension increases, it is true that Duscha Rosen can make the best decisions himself. Etwa Kenntnisse in Text and Table Verarbeitung. Aber auch Ergonomie, Datenschutz, Arbeitsrecht, Zeitmanagement und Strategien, een Beruf und Privatleben miteinander vereinbar zu machen.

Förderung field away

In 2023 it is worth spending the Fortbildung-zwei Mal pro Jahr, while the Gründung or Unterbrechung, says Rosen. 2024 then sees itself “out of the consequences of the Förderung” – bedauerlicherweise, who knows, the “journey is a great blessing”.

“She has not taken appropriate measures for the woman with migration or flight history, but we can no longer choose empowerment with communication, orientation and medionkompetenz abgeschlossen haben,” says Rosen. More than 200 women participate in the Kurs during the year and find out more about the Kurs directly in Geflüchtetenunterkünften statt. Zwar sei der Kurs “Fit für de Job” inhaltlich vergleichbar, but de könnten nur Frauen mit Anrecht auf Bildungsgutscheine besuchen. And for the majority of women after the treatment of the Mitarbeiterinnen there are often “sehr grim kampfen”. If you feel like you have new financial financing, this is the case.

Zur Geburtstagsfeier has been loaded as a guest runner in Mina Saidze. My family had fled before the regime in Afghanistan in 1990. Born in Hamburg in 1993, Saidze was an elderly woman – and the first woman in her family to have Uni-Abschluss. It generated its programs from a large number of dozens of data analyzes and a beratungsorganization for diversification in the technical field.

“Digital Berufe ermöglichen sozialen Aufstieg,” said Saidze. That’s just how it happened. “If you are a student of the Standard, you have to study computer science,” he says. And because of the criticism that we have in the Bildern of Tech-Jobs, men have often gotten an image of the couples’ discussions with companies like Ninja, Guru or Rockstar, Frauen once outlined. “In der Beratung said ich auch, wie een text met een KI-gestützen Gender Bias Decoder neutral und replied voor Frauen-forms were created,” he said. “A much bigger problem is that a machine is being created,” no longer as utility women, but also as figure women, he says. In the hinterland, the FCZB is “a lightblick in the winter season”.