
Jugendopposition in der GDR – Schüler lasen mit Zeitzeugen de Mauer fallen

Jugendopposition in der GDR – Schüler lasen mit Zeitzeugen de Mauer fallen

Is there a proper youth position in the GDR? Who is in the Arbeiter-und-Bauern-State? Review of the 35 years of Mauerfalls nutzten Schüler from 10. and 11. Classes of KGS Altentreptow die Opportunity, um in Gesprächen mit Zeitzeugen ihr Wissen zu vertiefen and new Recognition zukommen.

Three GDR Oppositionelle als Zeitzeugen zu Gast

If you let the Schüler go in the direction of the evil Mauer from Kartons, the symbolic meaning of the Veranstaltungsende becomes clearer. Information tables are available on the Wirken of 18 people who affected the evil GDR regime. “The organized Lehrerkollegium of the Veranstaltung and Unterstützte de Jugendlichen Dabei, a realistic image of the Jugendopposition in der GDR zu Zeigen”, erklärte Lehrerin Kerstin Heusner.

On 18 young opposition members, who were created by the SED dictatorship, this Ausstellung said that the von der Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft zur Verfügung was set.

On 18 young opposition members, who were created by the SED dictatorship, this Ausstellung said that the von der Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft zur Verfügung was set. (Photo: Ralf Scheunemann)

The Schüler developed themselves further with the environment, the next the fast Braunkohleabbaus and the Movement “Schwerter zu Pflugscharen”. In addition to the war that Kerstin Heusner went through, he spoke with Dr. Christian Halbrock from the Environment Library, religious teacher Thomas Blühm and the Pfarrer and Book author Harro Lucht three times in the Werdegang as opposition in the GDR messages.

Harro Lucht read from his book “Das Nadelöhr der Freiheit” (The Nadelöhr der Freiheit) in the end-round experience painted, which in his life in the young community and as a student leader in Greifswald he was able to cope with his fears and fears. The young people notice that they have a strong influence on the breakthrough of time.

The Schülerinnen and Schüler follow the Zeitzeugenbericht interestingly and state their valuable questions.

The Schülerinnen and Schüler follow the Zeitzeugenbericht interestingly and state their valuable questions. (Photo: Ralf Scheunemann)

Funeral of the Father? More Political Gefangener!

A Schüler erkundig sich bei, der nach Inhaftierung seines Vaters 1957 zu den Großeltern after Hamburg übergesiedelt war, en dann trotzdem 1963 als Dreize Luchthnjähriger wieder in the GDR went: “Who was ihre Rückkehr in the GDR, is yet the Mauer?” Harro Air answer: “Obwohl mein Vater zu dieser Zeit inhaftiert war, inlief de Rückkehr unproblematic. From West nach Ost konnte jeder kommen.”

This symbolic Mauer wurde nach Veranstaltungsende eingerissen.

This symbolic Mauer wurde nach Veranstaltungsende eingerissen. (Photo: Ralf Scheunemann)

Het Antwort op een Frage zum Grund der Inhaftierung des Fathers von Harro Lucht should not be nur der Fragesteller first mal verdauen: “My Father has glaubt a demokratisierung in Osten Deutschlands”, said Lucht. After the sailing from the West, the debt collection continued after the GDR Rule. An anecdote from your Zeit-sorgte at the Altentreptower Gymnasiasten für Schmunzeln: “In the School I was ich nach dem Beruf meines Vaters gefragt”, erzählte Lucht. “I answered: There is a politician in custody and a seat in Ulbricht’s Church.”

Trotz opposition leader Haltung zum Abitur zugelassen

Another Schüler wants to know, through Harro Lucht, to encourage the opposition to the Erweiterte Oberschule (EOS) and take the chance. “Yes,” says the spätere Pfarrer, “we will be happy to have a meal.” In the meantime, Harro Lucht reported: “Both are politically responsible for the Meinung, a Christian man who is a good man and then absterben lassen.”

If Pfarrer in Berlin deals with the Harro Lucht that is strongly in favor of freedom of expression and has never been connected in the Kirche, he dies in so much prekärer situation with the damals herrschenden institutions that are on this page. For the young grammar school students it was an end to a certain time when they themselves did not exist, after life in the Eltern and the Großeltern-prägte.