
Kaum noch zuätzliche Jobs entstanden

Kaum noch zuätzliche Jobs entstanden

I have been writing for several years in the German labor market, nor in other jobs. 46.1 Millions of people were there between July and September, which is the Federal Statistical Office report. There were not even 23,000 more hours in the Frühsommer, there was a stagnation. Creates a Saisone effect if the Zahl der Erwerbstätigen caused a 45,000 Personen or 0.1 Prozent sunk. That’s the beginning of the year 2021, but much more. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahresquartal betrug der Zuwachs nor round 66,000 Menschen (0.1 Prozent).

More information about Amt’s message. In the industry, 73,000 persons (-0.9 percent) are registered and in the construction sector it has fallen to a description of 1.1 percent or 30,000 persons for a year. If you are on the trend fort, you can give people their own place. I would like to give you a 0.6 reward for 3.8 million euros.

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