
Infineon Promotion: “The start line is open to the sky” – with KI-Fantasie from Talsohle!

Infineon Promotion: “The start line is open to the sky” – with KI-Fantasie from Talsohle!

The bottom line is that now even more problems will arise if the problem occurs. Auch for the financial year 2024/25 (September 30) by President Jochen Hanebeck the Investors on another story about Geschäftsverlauf eingstellt. This Zurückhaltung ends up with the analysts. Do you have a new research project in mind?

Angesichts der schwachen gesamtwirtschaftlichen überlagern in der Chipbranche die exisände en perhaps Stellen noch immer de Endnachfrage. The erhoffte Belebung is no longer important – on Infineon.

“Der Abbau erhöhter Lagerbestände dauert an. The view of the nachfrageentwicklung is one, two quarters will be tried by the order reports and file storage,” so Konzernchef Jochen Hanebeck at the Vorlage der Jahresahlen. “If you create a final mark, with the Ausnahme of artistic intelligence, kaum Wachstumsimpulse, that zyklische Erholung takes care of itself.”

Analysts focused on the Blick on the Tellerrand. “Nach bisherigen Verzögerungen ist die Startbahn zum Abheben,” said UBS analyst Francois-Xavier Bouvignies. With a relatively conservative eye for the new development, the path to sustainable energy extraction from the Halbleiter konzerns has ebbed and flowed over the years. There is good value for money, the price is only worth 42 to 41 euros.

At Goldman Sachs a man comes with another Fazit. The chipkonzern is a schrittweise positive Wachstum after the last quarter of 2025, so analyst Alexander Duval. The dynamics of the lower temperature normalizes and its effect is with an unusual background wind. Infineon continues in Geschäft with Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI). Duval has more money and first sees the paper at a fair price of 38.50 Euro.

DER AKTIONÄR can count on the fact that the more large process repairers of the information after inzwischen in KI-Bereich auf Chips from the house infineon were setzen. The bottom line: In the classroom server, control of the flows to the processor is set from $80 on an AI server to $1,800. Suitable for the system in the PSS control system, a control module in the program is one of the most effective control modules that reduces the costs of KI-rechenzentren. Die Umsätze mit Halbleitern für Rechenzentren dürften in de kommenden Jahren überproportional steigen.

It is possible that the investor makes more money than the Infineon-Aktie in the coming weeks of his business relations. Greater risks will occur during the new processing multipliers. You can take a few positions with Weitblick – you will probably have a volatile Kursverlauf einstitution.