
Schiff of the new Reederei “Meine Fähre” bleibt aktuell in Hafen – Was it that loose?

Kaum zwei Monate nach debüt sorts the new Reederei “Meine Fähre” voor Wunderung: Alle Fahrten zwischen Norddeich und Norderney cases uit. Was it a problem and who fell in love on the first day of seeing?

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Norddeich/Norderney – It is a fast summer months, the new Reederei “Meine Fähre” am 18. September with my first Schiff the Linienverkehr swiss Norddeich and Norderney aufgenommen hat. If it is time to continue “Meine Fähre 1”, it may be that it is a more ephemeral Woche in Hafen von Norddeich. Was steckt dahinter?

Problem is new Schiff

On the homepage of the Reederei there is a hint that the Wartungsarbeiten alle Fahrten der Autofähre has fallen out. The war that took place on November 21st started on November 21st, but the war would be extended on November 28th. If the personal assistant, the “Meine Fähre 2”, is neither my service, the Reederei will continue to operate within a short period of time.

If the car is sold after eight weeks, it will be a little more difficult to get a surprise – this is a schiffsneubau trade that will be completed in 2022. When Frank Voss eliminated the Redaktion, he said “that the neubauten-fehler should perform a full load the first time.” „Aus Sicherheitsgründen has alle Fahrten-vorerst-eingestellt, bis das Ersatzteil geliefert en eeningebaut ist. This pause is useful if you further optimize the rules for performing maintenance and schiff. So I beispielsweise auch das Radargerät ausgetauscht“, so Voss.

Positive feedback – the Auslastung is not yet ausbufähig

Trotz der unerwarteten repairs said that the Geschäftsführer insgesamt with the first Wochen: „Unsere Crew hat is simple and works at the Sache. If you want to say you’re out of ideas after the Hurden, the washer is a good way to transport guests. If the Auslastung runs out of air, the newcomer is one of the next. We welcome our first establishments and the loyalty of our guests.”

Passenger feedback is positive during the journey. In addition, the interior, the food kingdom, the children’s mold sets and the friendly crew are taken care of. Once the Panoramic Deck arrives, the guest’s stay can be a wonderful experience as the wind dies down. “The smaller the competition becomes, it is a bigger and bigger undertaking. “The treasures that guests ebenfalls”, so Voss.

Dennoch has a man with a potential opportunity for advertising: ‘There is a question that does not look like a simple anlaufstelle, but about ticket sales or all general information. Darauf has responded and the terminal in Osthafen in Norddeich is now exploring an office in Poststraße on Norderney, erklärt der Reederei-Chef. If you want to make a trip for the “Meine Fähre 1”, you can use a Passenger Transport or a Fahrzeuge to travel.

Start date for “My Day 2” is still uncertain

Die Reederei “Meine Fähre”, mit Sitz auf Norderney, gehört unter els de Norderneyer Hotelierfamilien Ennen, Michels und Brune as well as the A. und E. Korus-Stiftung. So there will be a lot of fun, that “My Day 2”, that’s an experience with more family life. If these smaller individuals can do the line sales, it still can’t be that the Schiff or keine flag is no longer there and it has never happened. “Wir since aber im engen Austausch mit den Behörden, um das Schiff kaal einflaggen zu können”, so the Geschäftsführer.

„Selden Rüst“, so heißt the only Mühle on the Ostfriesischen Inseln.

Marina Folkerts