
Dubai Chocolate and other Food Trends: Hintergründe zum Hype

Dubai Chocolate and other Food Trends: Hintergründe zum Hype

Where are you planning to visit for Zimtschnecken-Läden? Were 14.99 Euro for a Table Chocolate? Did you get a hint of the hype about Dubai Chocolate, Cookies and Cinnamon Rolls?

Hello, I am Philipp Pfäfflin, Editor in SWR Studio Stuttgart Editor in SWR Studio Stuttgart and there is a fine art of chocolate, hyped Zimtschnecken, the Einfluss of Influencerinnen and Influencern and why that is everything that is so good in its unsicheren Zeiten so intestinal function.

Leon went to the Mitternacht for a closed company in the Stuttgarter Innenstadt. Der Grund: There will be the first Ladenöffnung at 10 am a Tafel Dubai-Schokolade von Lindt buy. Zum stollen Price of 14.99 Euro for 150 Grams. “I have bock with the chocolate and will not forget it,” he said. The Schokoladentafel will be there with Grandma and Grandpa sister essen.


Eine Lange Schlange in Calwer Straße in Stuttgart. The men face the Dubai-Schokolade von Lindt and.

Social media trends are increasing rapidly
Dubai-Schokolade: They are looking forward to the first table in Stuttgart

Nur 1,000 of the Unternehmen Lindt Bundesweit production, 100 days were sold in the Freitag in Stuttgart. A few Schokoladen fans have been standing in the Schlange for a long time.

Everything was ready for purchase at the table. Insgesamt 100 were es in Stuttgart and diesem Freitag. Gesamt production is Germanyweit at a limit of 1,000. Also in Düsseldorf, Berlin and other cities in the Andrang groß. The marketing concept of the Schokoladenherstellerst Lindt shines through. “The limited approach enhances the effect, the man who can enjoy chocolate,” says Ramona Weinrich, Expert for Consumer Stories at the University of Hohenheim.

The strategy is based on the science of the “Snob Effect”, according to the motto: “That is a luxury product, that will now be a different one. That will be auch.” Because positive results have been achieved, the Junior Professor, if he is vulnerable, has been busy with his life for a long time and even then the money for a Chocolate Table was not available.

Schnell changes his interest, strengthens himself – in the virtual world in the real world. “And it is clear that the first phase of the hype has begun, while the hype itself is zum Magneten: people will know, was dahintersteckt, make themselves an image and then bei sein, um bloß nichts zu verpassen!” says one, the Ganze has not changed yet. Under the names “Valerialesecret“The Stuttgarter influencer Valeria has more than 30,000 followers and followers on Instagram. Also food trends are heard here.

It is a lot better now that it is woolen, white on Yules. The Stuttgart influences have spread throughout the world, tested in Essen and Reiseziele. It’s the music and the mode: “Bei hype will be part of the day.”

How long does the hype last? I am convinced that you want to take an exclusive trip, or that you want to answer one of the unanswered questions. “The hype will last longer now, if the quality increases, the fight will start soon,” said Influencer Yules.

Wissenschaftlerin Ramona Weinrich von der Uni Hohenheim forms thus: “That was extremely hyped. That’s why I have great experiences, that’s why I’m better off with my beautiful love gift. If the Geschmack then isn’t better, then I wouldn’t be able to buy it either. “

In the past we lived with our family, who lived there after the 6th of November? Die meisten Stimmen (40.5 Prozent) bekam de Antwort: “Was ist in der Welt nur los gerade?! Can it be what is baked and good?”

Before you come loaded with food for all the young people. Anyway, it is no longer possible to use social media, but it is not possible to increase the price on the upside. A woman meint, Zimtschnecken can withdraw to himself – for Euro pro Stück bezahlen, kommt for his niece in Frage.

Gerade in Krisenzeiten – wie diesen – sucht man auch Ablenkung zum Beispiel in Social Media.

Overall the price. Who is the past, the time of inflation and the food-laden booms, where everything else is discount-friendly? Ramona Weinrich from the Uni Hohenheim says that the Widerspruch is small: “The high inflation is more likely to occur. Then I will continue to have a high luxury.”

When all the hype happens, there are no other aspects either. Dare to even pile on “Dubai-Schokolade” like that? Researcher Ramona Weinrich wants this information, which is why chocolate was produced here again in Dubai. In the meantime, the traditional Chocolate with Kamelmilch was restored.

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