
Grüne Edalatian zu FDP-Skandal: “Sehr provozierend”

Grüne Edalatian zu FDP-Skandal: “Sehr provozierend”

The Bundesdeligiertenkonferenz der Grünen takes place in Wiesbaden. The Green politician in Edalatian casts a light on the positioning of the party for the plants – and it is a fact that a bombshell report is about the FDP.

While the Greens were taking part in the battle on February 23, a new report was written about one of the most successful FDP plans for the sabotage of Ampel-aufsehen in Berlin. Die Grünen-Politikerin Pegah Edalatian wundert das nicht. “Vom Verhalten her hat die FDP sich schon aus meiner Sicht die ganze Zeit zo verhalten, dass ich wijdee: Was haben si vor? Wollen sie aus der Ampel raus?” If the FDP in Haltung, Art and with the 18-year-old Grundsatzdoek as “sehr provozierend” wahrgenommen, so the separated Vizeparteichefin Edalatian, die on the Parteitag der Grünen am Samstag zur new Politische Geschäftsführerin gewählt were expensive. “What details are not there are of course interesting to me.”

In the overview of the verbal regeerungszeit der restampel it is for Edalatian, “first one of the Gesetze through time, that man by bringing it can die for the land that is heavy.” For the Neuwahl one would be “the Herzen and the Köpfe der Menschen wiedergewinnen”, i.e. the Grüne originating from Hesse with the political Wurzeln in the Düsseldorfer Kreisverband in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Climate, Living expenses, Ukraine

“Wirben für Klimaschutz, wir haben mit Jahrhunderthochwassern zu kämpfen”, as this central theme. The Reichs-solliciteren sich a Krisenbewältigungen-involvement, so Edalatian, and Lebenshaltungkosten voor de Menschen in Deutschland sollten bewerkstelligbar sein. If the theme of Ukraine is in the light of the Kriegs, the security of Europe is lost.

Gefragt nach de kürzlichen Telefonat van Kanzler Olaf Scholz with Russian President Wladimir Putin, says Scholz said that “there are many irritations, but bei Selenskyj, ausgelöst.” If it is no longer the case, the woman will buy more uncertainty. In the asylum police, a man on the party tag was launched in Wiesbaden on November 15 and 17, a gemeinsame positioning as a party found, anyway.


Bruch mit Ampel – Does the FDP plan in trade?

The investigation into the “Zeit” and the “South German Zeitung” started because the FDP put an end to the Ampel Coalition. In more encounters, a variety of music can be played. If you are interested, you can call on the active coalition partner to provoke. Other people have suffered the damage of the FDP minister. The “Time” is of interest to the paintings of more persons who interact with the Vorgängen. Once the redaktion documentation is completed, it dies in practice. The FDP has carried out the Darstellung as a failure.