
Anrichten Käseplatte: The best ideas and tips

Most of the time it is fresh Beilagen from Weintrauben – der Klassiker –, Erdbeeren, Birnen and Äpfel or auch small Tomaten anyway fresh or eingelegte Gurken. For the grüne, a few fresh gingerbread nuts on Oliven, a few pepperoni and other antipasti.

If it is good to compare with the kräftige Käsesorten with Gorgonzola, it is a good choice to use fruits and apricots, aber auch Soßen, Chutneys, Marmeladen – with Zwiebeln as a Base – and honestly. Schon long kein Geheimtipp more ist grüner or der roter Feigensenf. As a neutral component with light crunch such as walnut, hasel or mandeln a good Wahl, it is possible that there are many different types of combinations.

Anrichten Käseplatte – darauf sollten Sie beim Anrichten eighten

So Sie Käse and Beilagen organize

If you place your kitchen and the furniture on the flat bottom, this is a natural überwelding. There is a little structure in the various types of kitchens and cabinets that you can bring, but you may tend to be mild in intensity, but the forceful effect will no longer be so. The Beilagen can be merged with your platz on the Käse-platsieren or reconciliation here with a small Ordnung in Ihre Käseplatte zu bring:

Weintrauben, Feigen, Birnen, Chutney and Walnüsse harmonize best with Blauschimmelkäse, Ziegenkäse and Camembert, Nüsse schmecken with Parmesan cheese, Gouda and Emmentaler with pickled Gurken and Frischkäse natürlich with Brot under the intestine.

Tip: Falls Ihnen trotz der fell Beilagen noch immer Farbe auf Ihrem Cheese board you may be able to use a few Thymianzweige or other essential Blüten – fresh or getrocknet – on the Brett decorations.

Käseplatte furnishings - ferm Living / connox

ferm Leven / connox

Ferm Living, 3-Set Bowls “Petite”

In the three porcelain bowls from Ferm Living there are no chutneys and no more chutneys, but a message.

Käseplatte anrichten - Staub / Nordic Nest

Staub / Nordic Nest

Staub, “New White Truffle” Mini-Scales

The small “New White Truffle” trays from Staub were popular in the practical 4-piece set.

Käsemesser, -gabeln en -zangen

  • Heart anyway Halbhartkäse You may want to use the service in small factories or pens, a problem with your costs for your machine. For others, all types of cheese, please prepare the appropriate cutlery:
  • Bond Weichkase If you are a salesman with a knitted, flchen and light riffled blade – a sogenanntes Weichkäsemesser – or a Käsemesser with a thin Draht sehr gut, both workzeuge is often so weichen Käse at Schneiden not unnötig zerquetschen.
  • Bond Halbharte Käsesorten as Käsehobel or Messer with a schmalen, Klinge geeignet, that this meist is stable, is a Gouda, Emmentaler and Gruyère in ansehnliche Stücke zu schneiden.
  • Parmesan cheese, Pecorino and Co. We serve a Kasemesser with schmaler, zackter Klinge or also a special Parmesan-Messer.
  • A kitchen sorting device with another bröckeliger Konsistenz wie Gorgonzola or other Blausfungi varieties If you are doing a cure, you will knit your clothes and connect directly to the counter or brot placements.
Käseplatte anrichten - Sambonet / Westwing


Sambonet, Käsemesser-Set “Living”

The “Living” messer set from Sambonet consists of an eight Zentimeter, a 14 and two 12 Zentimeter long Käsemessern made of stainless steel.

Anrichten Käseplatte - Andrea House / Westwing

Andrea House / West Wing

Andrea House, silver Käsemesser-Set “Frija”

This silver cash register set “Frija” with Akazienholzgriff is suitable for various cash registers.

Käseplatte anrichten - HKliving / connox


HKliving, Käsemesser-Set “Havana”

This Käsemesser-Set contains an Auswahl from the three Edelstahlmessern, the special for the Schneiden, Serviers and Geniuses of Käse entwickelt wurden.

Käseplatte anrichten - Iittala / connox

Iittala / connox

Iittala, Käsehobel from the “Collective Tools” series

This food processor worked by Antonio Citterio and Glen Oliver Löw for the “Collective Tools” series from Iittala and is the perfect workhorse for the Schneiden of many Schnitt and Hartkäse ranges.

Käseplatte anrichten - Eva Solo / connox

Eva Solo / connox

Eva Solo, “Green Tools” Käseschneider

With the ‘Green Tools’ cheese cutter from Eva Solo it is so much fun to cut a schnittkäse.

If your sculpted pieces are left undamaged and others will remain undamaged on the counter or directly in the store, they will remain untouched with singing, gourmets and small Löffelchen!

Käseplatte anrichten - Normann Copenhagen / connox

Normann Copenhagen / connox

Normann Copenhagen, Käsemesser “Pebble”

The greenhouse cutter “Pebble” is made of stainless steel with a ceramic coating and is finished with a stainless steel handle.

Käseplatte anrichten - Normann Copenhagen / connox

Normann Copenhagen / connox

Normann Copenhagen, Käsegabel “Pebble”

The Käsegabel “Pebble” is the perfect experience for the Käsemesser from Normann Copenhagen.

Käseplatte anrichten - Dille & Kamille

Dill & Chamomile

Dille & Kamille, Käsegabel from rust-free Stahl

The Käsegabel von Dille & Kabille comes from rust-free Stahl and a Griff from Buchenholz.

Käseplatte anrichten - Sambonet / Westwing


Sambonet, Servierzange “Leven”

The “Living” service is provided by Edelstahl and is extremely hygienic and extensive.

Serving tip: Before serving your kitchen plan, you can warm it at a lower temperature for between 30 and 60 minutes, but it is the best way to spoil the kitchen dish and make the heat dissipate.

The right Käseaufbewahrung – so Ihr Käse bleibt long fresh

Were those Augen mal wieder fell bigger than the Magen? If you like it and if it really is, you can be very passive. Also think about increasing the price, buying the platz on the market, a remaining part of the kitchen and airtight at lagern. If you put a glass on glass, it is a matter of your kitchen and the Brett-stülpen-können, it is a special maintenance treatment, which is the feuchtigkeit of the regular kitchens. Alternative when it comes to paper or paper, both are active and the kitchen is so fresh. If you are no longer alive, there can be no question of a fresh foil on your hand. If you are no longer aware of the fact that it is a party, it can happen even more. The Schnittfläche of the Cheeses is only collected if they are aimed at the Paper or Foil Plate, but that is not possible.

Käseplatte anrichten - Sagaform / Nordic Nest

Sagaform / Nordic Nest

Sagaform, Käsehaube “Ditte”

The “Ditte” cabinet is the best of a Steingut-Teller and a Deckel made of high acrylic plastic.

Käseplatte anrichten - Philippi / connox

Philippi / Connox

Philippi, Walnuss-Käsebrett with Glashaube

Thanks a Glashaube bleibt der Käse on dieser Walnuss-Käseplatte von Philippi longer fresh!

If the temperature is constant up to eight degrees Celsius, the temperature is fresh for longer, of course it is a natural temperature and it may happen that the temperature is monitored. A piece of kitchen utensil can be removed from the oven with a spatula.

Some people stop arranging their lives in the kitchen so that the Verzehr can start in August, when they are confronted with the next überprüft.

Käseplatte anrichten - Rig-Tig from Stelton / connox

Rig-Tig from Stelton/connox

Rig-Tig from Stelton, Käsebox “Contain-It”

“Contain-It” is an honest holzplatte and a perfect clock for storing your kitchen.

Anrichten Käseplatte - Mepal


Mepal, „Omnia“-Käsedose mit Deckel

With the „Omnia“-Käsedose from Mepal you can enjoy the rest of your kitchen platter for your next day of cooking.

Käseplatte anrichten - Moritz & Moritz

Moritz & Moritz

Moritz & Moritz, 4er-Set Aufschnittbox

The four 25 x 17 x 3 Zentimeter large Aufschnittboxes from Moritz & Moritz can be stacked and stored with table sticker inscriptions.