
Junge Skiurlauber: Après-Ski and Klimaschutz out

Junge Skiurlauber: Après-Ski and Klimaschutz out

Befragt wurden 14- bis 29-Jährige in Hamburg and Wien. Après-ski takes place in the Altersgruppe that rolls less, so Heinzlmaier at the Tagung des Netzwerkes Winter in Kaprun.

Younger people from the rural areas are looking forward to a winter experience. Das hatte Heinzlmaier in een früheren Studie erhoben. Nun Widmete is close to this Gruppe, more than his motivation to remember.

“Stressed wollen dem Alltag entfliehen”

Fazit: „We had a lot of beans, stressed the city so that we could have the Urlaub in the Bergen and would also like to have it all together. If you are aware of natural medicine and regeneration with stress symptoms,” says Heinzlmaier in winter at a winter Mediterranean winter – a platform of the network of the Seilbahnen, Skiindustry, Skilehrern and Touristikern – in Kaprun. “Since you are a junior, you are not going to be in a Halligalli environment since, without having any problems, after having a winter experience, you will enjoy living there.”

New motto: “Früh ins Bett, früh on the Piste”

A central motivation for the sporting commitment: “Provide woolen ski, mountain and nature costs. That’s right: Enjoy your bets, enjoy the slopes. This is a newer trend.” Of course it is a different group, during the après-ski it is like this: “Junge Spring-Break-Tourists do not go further than the Soul Group from the upper Mittelschicht and.” Gefragt seien sinnliche Erfahrungen wie huttenerlebnisse and das Erlebnis ben Berg. “It could be a spazier corridor during the shifting of the forest.”

“Start-up offer suchen more Ruhe”

Der Jugendforscher sprach von “stressten Jungakademikern und Start-up-Opfern”, de Ruhe suchen und Zeit mit ihrer Familie verringen wollen. “Those woolen tanks, regenerate, will come on their own – that was the life of the Tenor,” said Heinzlmaier, who studied in the research into the secret Seilbahnwirtschaft and the Network Winter over time. “I think the younger years have great energy and mental health. If you look after the Urlaubserlebnissen, continue.”

“Junge Leute wollen keine hässlichen Bilder”

The discussions about winter sports in this group are not because of the middle class, but because of their own mistakes. “If you don’t find anything else, everything on the slopes has disappeared. Oder der Schnee matschig and unansehnlich ist.“ For Generation Z – the entire 15 to 29 years – the Ästhetisierung of life is important. “You have good, healthy images.” And: “If you know the factors for your skiing experience, then you will be able to enjoy better skiing quality.” This is the first step in terms of climate protection and environmental friendliness junior Skisportler laut Studie kaum tangiert. “Dafür plays a major role in nature conservation. That nature will remain visible in its entirety.”

“Small Mobilization during Ski World Cup”

It is interesting that the next ski sports instructor or the Ski World Cup will focus on his mobilization for winter sports. “We are less likely to have a conversation with the Gesamtweltcupsieger Marco Odermatt or Manuel Feller, the Sieger of Slalomwertung in Vorjahr,” Heinzlmaier reported. Provided Lindsey Vonn or Marcel Hirscher could pay the most attention to this situation. “We were exposed to action-packed videos for Freeriding or Snowboarding in Red Bull Style in the Zielgruppe.”

“Freeriding in Red Bull Style popular”

Governments became a fact, the financial situation would be more price conscious and legends would have become the skifahren. “Aber sie gehen otherwise damit um. If you are in your childhood, if you come, then woolen experience, the ski holiday. Nothing is one of the two Mal, son of Tag.” And your young life on the ski slopes will continue to make your sport more enjoyable. In humans, the excitement, bonding and winter sports experience is no longer so great. “It’s a good idea to have a child who will be happy with three, four or five years of skiing lessons,” empfahl der Jugendforscher.