
These 10 facts should be known!

These 10 facts should be known!

Mindestens zweimal am Tag sollte man seine Zahne putzen. That’s a man who lives in Kindesalter. And yet you have to make it even more unclear. Do you want to take an electric trip, or take a trip to yours? Is there a way that a muntspülung is used? Damage Bleaching the skin is wirklich unwiederbringlich? We want to have a good time – and live near Zahnärztin Dr. Katharina Broos enjoys the whole night. Those vegetables Zahnpflege-Mythen I check!

Schöne, gesunde Zähne: Diese Fakten von Dr. Brittle sollten Sie know!

1. Zahnpflege-Mythos: First Zahneputzen, then Zahnseide!

“If Zahnärztin gehört Zahnseide is Abend zu meiner Nighttime-Routine. Tatsächlich used man Zahnseide aber auf jeden Fall VOR dem Zähneputzen. Durch die Zahnseide zijn Essensreste und Plaque, als Beläge, zwischen den Zahnen entfernt. This could be a man in the Anschluss with road wells. Außerdem can be the Zahnpasta in the Anschluss besser in the Zahnzwischenräumen.”

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2. Zahnpflege-Mythos: Your Zahnpaste can be used separately

“Leader encourages that niece. It is not possible to use and work on the laundry. Many forms offer potentially shady substances that could be affected by the environmental stress and aggressive stress, the journeys on the Zahnfleisch work and with long-lasting effects on the soil flora. Be sure to check inhaled substances! Titan dioxide, SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), Zucker and Mikroplastik products cannot be processed.”

3. Zahnpflege-Mythos: Zähneputzen sollte man am best direkt nach dem Essen

“Direkt nach dem Essen – for everything after living a healthy life – that’s possible Zähneputzen damage the Zahnschmelz. It is also true that it takes between 20 and 30 minutes for the Speichel Zeit to begin, which will neutralize the sourness of the nahrung.”

4. Zahnpflege-Mythos: Electric Zahnbürsten are aggressive for the Zahnschmelz and the Zahnfleisch

“Dieser Mythos It is not possible for man to use a modern model. It is possible that the new generation of electrical appliances is often cleaner than manual ones. A thorough cleaning can take place. Please note that if you install a pressure sensor, damage to the vehicle will be avoided. I also have a soft bürstenkopf and sensitive breasts with soft breasts. Achtung: Smooth, electric or handy, the putting technique is separate!”

5. Zahnpflege-Mythos: Mundspüllösungen unterstützen de Mundflora en sollten taglich anwendet were

“Viele Mundspüllösungen enthalten Alcohol or aggressive chemicals, which could cause the Mundflora to increase their weight. A label Anwendung ist aus meiner Sicht notnauwen en sollte immer nach Bedarf und Empfehlung der Zahnärzt*in ergolgen. Wirkungsfuler and cleaner is the best practical experience. Immediately in the morning after eating fresh coconut oil in Bio-Qualität.”

6. Zahnpflege-Mythos: Zahn-Bleaching is extremely schmerzhaft

“Professional bleaching is one of the most important procedures at the professional practice of Ästhetik and Implantologie in Munich. The Zahnaufhellung is generally not difficult when the system and torch knowledge penetrate. Allerdings: Schonendes und nachhaltiges Bleaching benötigt Zeit und een super Zusammenarbeit zwischen Patient*in und Behandler*in. I work with a combination of in-office and home bleaching.”

7. Life-Mythos: Olziehen als Unterstützung für die Mundgesundheit ist Hokuspokus

“Looking at the tradition of Indian Medizin is a practice that can be applied and that can positively help the world in exploring and finding all possible solutions for the future. Coconut oil on the device ensures that the bay leaf has an antibacterial effect. The practice is a matter of direct contact with the patient and the patient staff who treat patients* in the practice. The Rückmeldung, die ich bekomme, is a positive path. Achtung: Ölziehen ersetzt again Zähneputzen nor Zahnseide! It is very important to improve hygiene.”

8. Zahnpflege-Mythos: Zungenschaben is a big trend and brings a better view

“Ein Trend, there bleibt! Zungenschaben is een bewährte-method, een bakterien, ablagerungen und Rückstände von der Zunge zu entfernen. It is no longer the case that the device is no longer clean, but the rest of the world no longer works and does not tolerate oral hygiene. If the company is engaged in cleaning up the sun, it is best to look at the oil directly in the morning.”

9. Cleaning Mythos: Professional Cleaning by Cleaning would not be overly sophisticated and not inherently not so.

‘That professional Cleaning make sure you can use your modern Zahnmedizin. Here Zahnstein and Beläge were found, who were not rescued by the regular Zähneputzen of Patient*innen. Professional cleaning has improved skin care and tooth decay for a long time. Mundgesundheit. Tip: If you think you want to carry out a year-long check-up and professional cleaning, you are best suited with the Airflow-Technik.”

10. Zahnpflege-Mythos: Bleaching damages the Zähnen ausnahmslos

“Bei sachgemäßer Durchführung durch een Zahnärzt*in ist Bleaching in the rule itself and damages the Zahnen and the Zahnschmelz niece. The fact is that you will be dealing with welding work professionally, a risk that you keep to a minimum. Wir lieben Bleaching in our practice and use is easy, giving our patients a white and radiant smile! Vorsicht ist bei Home-Bleaching ohne Beratung geboten! Your aggressive means or an unannounced response could damage the health and safety of your home.”

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