
Country-Star Sundance Head: Is it Schoss himself in the Bauch?

Country-Star Sundance Head: Is it Schoss himself in the Bauch?

The Country Singer Sundance Head is eingeliefert with a Schussverletzung in a Krankenhaus. It was unclear that it was a genau sich ereignet hat. Would you like to enjoy the music while hunting yourself in the Bauch?

It’s a blessing ship Farm in Texas von a Schuss affected by the country musician Jason “Sundance” Head (46) offended by Lebensgefahr. Das US-Magazin “TMZ” hatte am Freitagabend (15. NovemberOrtszeit) zunächst über den Vorfall message set. The singer, another man who has received eleven staff awards from “The Voice USA”, is Friday to be anchossen. I am Anschluss sei er in stabilem Zustand per Helicopter in a nearby location Krankenhaus be brought. Seine Frau have their own mittlerweile zum Health status von Head geäußert.

Would you like to visit the Sundance Head yourself in the Bauch?

Heads Ehefrau Misty wrote on the musicians’ official Facebook page, that’s it Kugel “Oberhalb seines Nabels einschlug und in seiner Bauchdecke stecken blieb” und “alle lebenswichtigen Organe” versehlt habe. And further: “There would be no surgery, they would die Kugel not enfernen.”

**UPDATE**Another update: We arrived at the hospital and just physically laid my eyes on him and his sweet…

Posted by Sundance Head on Friday, November 15, 2024

Ihr Ehemann sei” in the intestine Verfassungwhen man has the surprising reservations. Die Kinder sind jetzt bei ihm. Die Bitten Wurden erhört, da die Kugel keine inneren Schäden verursacht hat”.

Agent Broaderspricht Social-Media-Post von Ehefrau

Widersprüchliche Angaben lie derweil am Samstagmorgen zum Regang der Ereignisse for. Laut Ehefrau Foggy war Head alone with a signal Farmif so Vorfall ereignet. “There is no war with Jagdgewehr and no one in his power. He has been put to an end Fahrzeug with a griffin on the 22er, if it’s ergriff, comb the 22er with its holster and go to the other Jeeps and let loose. Sundance says, it’s like it’s going so well, who that is Geschoss löste”, schrieb sie. This information is displayed on Sundance Head itself vershentlich angeschossen.

But some beautiful clear heads Intermediary Trey Newman in a movie Statementthat NBC News passes, that person dies Kugelthe Head is lost, which makes it difficult to move around Jägers in der Nähe tribe. “If you are not aware of the times, you are passionate about what you are doing, but if you are 100 years old, you are not guilty of self-blame,” said Newman.

Die Polizei in Smith County, in itself Vorfall ereignet hat, hat itself gegenüber NBC News bislang noch nicht geäußert.