
So Andreas Gabalier proudly feierte

So Andreas Gabalier proudly feierte

Annoyed? A young woman is waiting for her Handy to hear a Rammstein song, which he is working on, with Andreas Gabalier on the Bühne-kommt. Obwohl, Gemeinsamkeiten is expensive. Ob Rammstein or Gabalier: Man mag sie/ihn – oder nicht. A Dazwischen gibt is nicht. After you have given your own definition of “Volks-Rock ‘n’ Roller”, the Samstagbend is in the full Messehalle during the Half-Time-Show. Am 21. November wird Gabalier 40 Jahre alt, das empfindet is offenbar als “Halbzeit”; Also, you can see later. And this hat, it’s come a long way. Stand on the stage for more than three minutes, then the party continues in the Messehalle until two hours later. Gabalier is still not a Schwerbeiter, the Schweß wants him to be Taschentuch vom Gesicht for his career; and the Show, which is there, is technically internationally oriented. Format: big music, big video wall, fell Feuer and Rauch, fell Bling-Bling and a regional mass in the Alps, Nashville and Las Vegas.

Once this big Half-Time-Show is now a half-time show, it will last longer than 10,000 dollars and so money will be raised, it could be that a Konzertende will be made. Was it okay to do this in its own right? A retro party? A Geburtstagsfeier? A nostalgia show? Started with Gabalier the Abend tradition with the “Obersteirer”, which includes Themenwelt that is bundled: the Home, the Freundschaft, der Handschlag, the feschen Madln, the core own Buam. Textsichere Mitsingchöre, tanzende Paare, rot-weiß-roter Konfettiregen, Feuerfontänen, ausgelassene Stimmung, alles gut.

Der “Volks-Rock 'n' Roller” in Aktion

Der “Volks-Rock ‘n’ Roller” in Aktion

© Klz / Nick Froehlich

The music is the mix of folk, pop and musical music, and all the work with Gabaliers offers a great music for the interest of the fan community. If it is high, then there is a common thread in the war that starts with Hamme, cultural giftedness and social media aggression. That Toleranz singer was not as good, that music as his music, was being: Unterhaltung en wohl auch Eskapismus für ein gewisses – zeemlich großes – Klientel. Daran is not acquireliches. It could be a man, but it can’t be a man anymore.

The problem with the Half-Time-Show was the setlist with Drittel from Coversongs file. Because it is of course Absicht, Gabalier wants to listen to the soundtrack in the film that is presented live. And as time passes, the vaters’ schallplatten are now with white hands so scared that they can be used during the rührend. The overview of the programs was completely clear: „Simply The Best“, „Such a Tag, so wunderschön wie heute“, „Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit“, auch Udo Jürgens wurde ein Lied „nach oben“ geschickt – „Griechischer Wein“.

Der Herzen signaler Fans never fly anyway

Der Herzen signaler Fans never fly anyway

© Klz / Nick Froehlich

Zwischendurch holte Gabalier Gäste auf die Bühne, while the Prominenz war nicht lasted. It was happy and fun when the Steinbäcker-Edelsteine ​​sang “Steiermark” and “Großvater” in common with “De Zwa”. The following covers are: ‘Father And Son’ by Cat Stevens, ‘Me And Bobby McGee’ by Kris Kristofferson, ‘Stand By Me’ by Ben E. King. Andreas Gabalier has also played a national and international important role in its history – and his great wealth has been separated. If it is no longer the case, it is not noticeable. Anyway: hear the wollen Gabalier-Songs, if you are a Gabalier-konzer, then the applause is published in German. If ‘I sing a Liad für di’ brodelte es mächtig in der Halle, the ‘Bergbauernbuam’, ‘stork wie Stier’, and believe who eh and je, and beim Spaßkracher ‘Hulapalu’ erreichte de Party in de Siedepunkt. Fazit: Wo Gabalier drufsteht, muss Gabalier drinnen sein, dann funktioniert das Werkl wunderbar. When an iconic material is acquired, es stutters.