
New Prince Couple: Prinz Thomas LXII. and Princess Maria-Thérèsia XLV.

New Prince Couple: Prinz Thomas LXII. and Princess Maria-Thérèsia XLV.

Karnevalseröffnung in Hofbieber

New Prince Couple: Prinz Thomas LXII. and Princess Maria-Thérèsia XLV.

New Prince Couple: Prinz Thomas LXII. and Princess Maria-Thérèsia XLV.
– Photo: Karnevalgesellschaft Hofbieber

17.11.24 – After a longer period of preparation and subsequent release, Prinzentipps were on Samstag, on 16.11.2024 it will end – Karnevalseröffnung in Hofbieber. Zu de Klängen des Drum- und Fanfarenzugs (Stabführung: Patricia Quanz) marchschierten de zahlreichen Actieve der Ho-Bi-FA in Gemeindezentrum ein. The Sitzungspräsidenten der HoBiFa, Thorsten Beck and Ronny Helmer, provided the largest audience and the Ehrengäste.

Then a tradition followed: Der Vize-Präsident des Karneval-Verbands Kurhessen eV, Dietrich Geißer, kam auf de Bühne, een zwei deserves part of his long-term ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit in the Verein with the Karlsorden of the Chamber of Commerce his hren: Katja Helfrich and Christian Mihm. Both can take years in the Verein and will probably take years in the Vorstand with the KVK-Karlsorden Ausgezeichnet. Katja Helfrich led the carnival procession through all Altersgruppen der Garden des Vereins to their Showtanzgruppe ‘Die Hofbiester’. This is where ideas for food and a living may have been born for a few years and gone out for a large part of the time. Although it is still so big that the Showtanz collegians incur new costs for a few years and tell one of the other other stories. If there are more Gardetänzerin, you can follow more years of greater training of the Garde ‘Sternschnuppen’. A high point on the Carnivalist Laufbahn was at war in the 1995/1996 Campaign, in that case when Prinzenmariechen (zusammen with their Schwester Julia) with Ihren Eltern ‘Prinz Wilhelm vom tanzenden Express’ and Prinzessin Erna dared to appear on the stage.

As a treasurer, you will be happy since 19 years of the financial affairs of the society. If central responsibility for the financial sector is one of the best expenses and the best way to finance the financial sector, it is wise to keep the budget on the books and find everything in the right form etc. And if you no longer know how to deal with the financial institutions, it was never an einfach ist (Smiley).

Engagement and Einsatz: Katja and Christian can make the Fastnacht-möglich

The card shopping for the Sternennächte and the Weiberfastnacht were organized and passed on by Katja. If you have no more ideas, you can experience all the guests on your Wunschkarten for our Veranstaltungen. If Hilfe and Unterstützung are fragmented, a man can zählen on Katja. When you work with Rat and Tat, ideas and heaving hands, you can best relate to them. Christian Mihm is still the first Tag as Fanfarenbläser in Trommel- en Fanfarenzug active. Soon the progress of the Prinzenmannschaft is a step towards the HoBiFa with great involvement. In general, it is true that you can lend a hand, it is his versügung. With propaganda efforts in the Fast Nights, calling for and calling for own reforms, Thekendienst and many kinds of failed work – there is no damage to be done. If the organization is affiliated with the house and the Fastnachtsonntag-Umzug will be a tragedy, the Veranstaltungen at the Fremdensitzungen will play a role. It struck Ruhe and Geduld that all small and large people from the Christian sector could come under the government. Make sure you get the right tone and the right compensation. If you play in the background, the ‘Sternennächte’ is not possible. I am Vorfeld at the Prinzen who keeps the Prinzentreffen so busy. If the Gestaltung of the Prinzenorden or the Umzugsordens can cause Christian blessings, free welds can arise. Especially the treasures of the High Schools and Associations of the HoBiFa are very frundliche, besonnene Art, mit der jede Situation in de seiner unufgeegten Art mit Charme und Feingefühl meistert.

Ein Abend voller Magie: Gardetänze und Überraschungen in der Narhalla

Nun powers are actively dying on the Bühne für de Gardetänze. The Teenies (Trainers: Nele Beck and Cèline Gunkel) started with their great art work at the publikum and merged into the Eintrittskarten with the Prinzentipps ein. Dann hatten de Sternschnuppen (Leitung: Kim, Cora und Lilly Helfrich) in een grote Auftritt, while the first part of the Publikum in de wunderschönen, neu eenstudie Tanz auf. The Duo Malibu had a few Tanzrunden and then spent time in the Narhalla Gemeindezentrum up high. Since the speculations have not yet been announced, the leaders of public opinion can go through the different Orte with an ‘Irrfahrt’. Jetzt could be a man, but still think a little.

Dann sees the Leinwand and the new prince couple of the HoBiFa Prinz Thomas LXII again. and Princess Maria-Thérèsia XLV. von der Geselligen Backstube (in civil life: Thomas und Maria-Thérèsia (Resi) Frohnapfel) accompanied by Minister Stefan Reinhard, Ministerin Manuela Wagner, Außenminister Johannes Frohnapfel (Sohn des Prinzenpaares), the bezaubernden Prinzenmariechen Christin Frohnapfel (Tochter des Prinzen-paares) anyway Zeremonienmeister Peter Reinhard. Thorsten Beck and Ronny Helmer presented the Tollitäten with their Mannschaft and all the impulses in the Schlachtruf of the new Prinzen one: Zwibbelsploatz and Bauerschbrot dos schmäckt us wallich god!

Prinz Thomas and Princess Maria-Thérèsia: a more brilliant touch

The Princess Guard brought the Prince Insignia and Prince Thomas and Princess Maria-Thérèsia to the first Mal das Wort and its new Publikum. The minister has announced the 11th paragraphs of the proclamation, the next Blickpunkt will be unveiled. Danach founded Prinzenmariechen Christin van het Prinzenpaar und Zuschauer with his first Mariechentanz voor Publikum, and he studied with Hilfe von Luise Scholz. The Hofbieberer Bürgermeister Markus Röder was enormous as an erster and überreichte dem Prinzen symbolically the Power for that 5. Jahreszeit in Form eines Schlüssels. A proclamation was issued and the Umsetzung von § 5, der Umdichtung eines Fastnachtschlagers, was published.

Pfarrer Maximilian Weber-Weigelt received a reward for the Evangelical Church, which organized all activities and activities and created a beautiful campaign with reibungslose veranstaltungen. In common with the Ehrenmitgliedern and the Vorstand des Vereins are the Prince Orders of the new Campaign. The Tanzgarde (Leitung: Julia Helfrich) presents its new Gardetanz and the Sitzungspräsidenten luden die Zuschauer zu the new Veranstaltungen of the Ho-Bi-Fa ein. After Princess Maria-Thérèsia, as the Glücksfee sucked the three winners of the Prinzen-Tippspiels, the Prinzencouple dared on the rotten Thron Platz and zahllose Glückwünsche entgegennehmen and all the gemeinsam feierten bis in the frühen Morgenstunden. (ms/pm) +++