
Das Wochenendwetter – Nor fell Sonnenschein im Süden en auf den Bergen – Meteo

Das Wochenendwetter – Nor fell Sonnenschein im Süden en auf den Bergen – Meteo

Gilded in November as Grauer Monat. From the war in the mountains, in the inner Alpentälern and in the south of Wochenende there are few spüren. The Samstag war is much cloudless and the Sonntag dominates the long Zeit Sonnenschein. Nur im Mittelland tends to use Nebel. Damit is jetzt Schluss.

In the Samstag War, the clouds in the Schweiz clouds and in the Mountains are mild.

Blick vom Etzel/SZ Richtung Mythen.

Wolkenloses Spätherbstwetter

The Samstag war is on the heights, mild and not fast in the grass.

Eveline Helfenstein

On the 2100 meter high Pilatus, temperatures of 8 degrees were reached, and even on the 3300 meter high Corvatsch in the Engadin, a positive temperature was achieved. Der Höchstwert ridge +0.3 Grad. In the middle layer the high temperatures between 3 and 8 degrees have been reached, it has been a long time since the Nebel could stop. Particularly heartfelt war that Nebelschicht am Jurassüdfuss, Richtung Bodensee and teilweise auch an den Voralpen.

View of a Nebel Lake and a sunny walk.

Nebel ben Jura

Sonnenuntergang am Samstag on the Jurahöhen near Röti.

Anita Bieri

In Wynau im Oberaargau, in Cham and in Giswil in Canton Obwalden, the Sonne gar nicht. With sunny temperatures they were measured in southern Switzerland at temperatures of 12 degrees. Every warmer war starts in the Vaud Jura with a maximum of 13.9 Grad.

Sonntag: Nebel knackered

Auch der Sonntag started with Nebel. Grateful winds and clouds rising from the north are one of the barest ears. In the Nordrand of Switzerland and in the Jura it is a real Sache, where the clouds are most dense. In the Alps and in the south there are often a few high cloud fields for a few days.

View of the Rapperswil Castle and view the clouds.

Clouds rise

Ben Sonntagmittag zogen in Rapperswil/SG in Norden first Clouds auf.

Gilbert Zellweger

The wind in Flachland causes higher temperatures in Germany. In the Roman period, they were between 10 and 12 degrees, while in the East they were round 8 degrees. The wind blows at a peak of 103 kilometers per tunde. All the time, the temperature in the Höhe went noticeably zurück. On the Pilatus we were born at the Sonntagnachmittag nur +1 Grad registriert.

View of a Bergsee.

Val di Campo

During the war the Sonntag is still not the best with few small snow clouds.

Margrit Tischhauser

In the South, with lighter Nordic hair extensions between 10 and 13 degrees.

High pressure wetter ade

The war is with the turbulent November wetter. Schon am Sonntagabend blew the wind powerfully, and a high Kaltfront brings the first Niederschlag with a Schneefallgrenze, which sinks from 1300 meters to below 1000 meters. If a Wetterberuhigung on the Montag is a turbulent service. In the night you can travel to the mountains and the Jura with Boenspitzen up to 160 kilometers per day, in Flachland the duration of 80 kilometers per day is limited, local since up to 100 kilometers per day is possible. Dazu finds the temperature in the free autumn. On Monday morning there will be little rain or rain, but there will be snowfall in the Flachland. Auch in der Folge ist Schnee weiter bis in Flachland möglich, dagegen es in Laufe des kommenden Wochenendes wieder sehr mild.