
Mähschafe: Fleißig “gemäht” has Flocki and Co. on the Donauinsel

Mähschafe: Fleißig “gemäht” has Flocki and Co. on the Donauinsel

Positive feedback on the mah-saison on the Donauinsel: Rund eleven hectares of white wine were heuer of the mahschafen cleanly abgrasted. The project will no longer be implemented.

WIEN/FLORIDSDORF. An orderly appetite can take a few years before the meal is prepared on the Donauinsel. After the end of the current season, the Tierische Mäh-Brigade der Abteilung Stadt Wien – Wiener Gewässer looks at a follow-up follow-up report: Around eleven hectares of Wiesenfläche were from the end of April to the beginning of November from the Schafherde in the Norden der Donauinsel abgemäht. It’s time for Flocki, Luisa, Willi and the rest of the herd to leave the island’s journey into winter quarters.

The natural contents of the Wiesenflächen in the north of the Danube Island have made the city of Wien an ideal island area for the Schafe-erwiesen. While you have been running on a wiesenabschnitt for a week lately, a mobile phone is safe. It is the white fläche that is “abgemäht”, while this one is composed furthest and the next. The inselschafe therein I was happy to have a special experience with them, the Donauinsel was worth it. A label was viewed by a Schäfer or a Schäferin.

The Mäh-Schafe was taken care of. | Photo: M.Spitzauer

Artenvielfalt on the Donauinsel

The Donauinsel sister city council Ulli Sima (SPÖ) says: “Mithilfe der Inselschafe is no longer a Einsatz von Maschinen and damn wesentlich leiser, while the Artenvielfalt is stärkt, while he is a Genügend Gräser and Wiesenblumen for the Insekten bleiben .” Schafe has a small fan community. “And if all the people see one of the weeders in the coming years, the grazing in your autumn will be ruined.”

Stadträtin Ulli Sima (SPÖ) with the Mähschafen. | Photo: PID/Votava

The Schafbeweiding Wurde 2019 as part of the EU projects “LIFE DICCA” was launched, the Stadt Wien – Wiener Gewässer on the Donauinsel started hat, will become an art trap of the Wiener Freizeit. From 2019 to 2024, the Schafherde insgesamt bound has 60 Hektar Wiesenfläche abgemäht – the intspricht more than the sechsfachen Gesamtfläche des Wiener Stadtparks.

No problem for the business

If the EU projects are closed, the City of Wien will die with the Schafen fortsetzen: “The Inselschafe zählen mittlerweile ohne Zweifel zum ‘fixen Inventar’ der Donauinsel. Aufgrund der inheritancereulichen Bilanz would the Schafbeweidung auch über the Projectlaufzeit hinaus as ‘Best-Practice -Beispiel’ weitergeführt”, says Gerald Loew, Leader of the Wiener Gewässer.

Schafe erreichen problemlos schwer zugängliche Weidebereiche. | Photo: PID/VOTAVA

The Vorteile der Mähschafe since groß: Schafe erreichen auch zugängliche Weidebereiche. The Sanfte Hanglage in the north of the Donauinsel poses no problem for the Vierbeiner. During the clean grass, an operation is carried out by the weeders. Zarte Untergräser retains more light and can improve itself better. Auch Insekten kan ich freuen: Wegdisteln und Flockenblumen, een schaffe lieber einen Bogen machen, serve seltenen Steinbienenarten anyway Schmetterlingen as reichhaltige Nahrungsquelle.

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