
Formel 1: Komplett verzockt – Ferrari muss Entscheidung bitter bereuen

Formel 1: Komplett verzockt – Ferrari muss Entscheidung bitter bereuen

While Mercedes and McLaren, with their flexible front wings, make great progress, Ferrari hangs in the Formel 1 nor behind it. At the Scuderia the man ended up on the false Pferd and is no longer able to compete.

Ferrari has not further developed the Entwicklung der Flexi-Wings, while Team Chief Frederic Vasseur has done his hatte with a Verbot. If it no longer works, there is a vaulted fehleinschätzung. In Sachen Frontflügel, Ferrari is definitely in the Formel 1 weit zurück.

Formal 1: Ferrari has made Fehler bitter

If the balance is in balance and the intersteuern in langsamen and oversteuern in schnellen Kurven zukämpfen, manche Teams has flexible Frontflügel developed. You can do that while you’re in bed. McLaren and Mercedes can thus make large Fortschritte machines.

At Ferrari, the man assumed that the FIA ​​​​has submitted an application. Beim Großen Preis of the Belgian Kündigte FIA ​​​​and the Flexi-Wings are called down under the Lupe. Make sure you get an overview of the Motorsport-Weltverband, the front flugel starts with the regulations.

+++ Form 1: Rennstall verkündet Fahrer-Entscheidung – jetzt ist offiziell +++

It is frustrating that it is a separation from the FIA ​​equipment, which installs (his Belgian) room. If it was good, it was a No-Go. By the way, here are the green light! We have lost one or two months,” said Ferrari boss Vasseur on “”.

Man is busy every day, but the celebration of a verb has begun. With a look at the Zeit in the wind channel and the budgeting Ferrari has shown the view, this is another example. A Trugschluss, which no longer works.

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DESHALB the Flexi-Wings were not banned

FIA Formula Sports chief Nikolas Tombazis has overcome the barrier, so that: “Although the Front Flugel were not subject to tax, these regulations cannot be so simple. Zwei Flügel does not have any lastungswerte. Deshalb is schwierig, das ingenuity überprüfen. These rules will be in Kraft paper from 2022 and will no longer be suitable, but will not be replaced until 2025 or 2024. After the information we received, it is true that we will have a passion in 2026.”