
The Blauzenkrankheit breitet sich aus – der Bundesrat responds

The Blauzenkrankheit breitet sich aus – der Bundesrat responds

The blazungenkranheit is in the passages that are greatly extended. You will be contacted by the Federal Council for a lighter transport for materials from you. Der Kampf gegen das Virus separatet bis jetzt auch an der Passivität der Pharmabranche.

The Blauzungenkrankheit has struck the Swiss of the Nords. Impfung eines Rindes in Lower Saxony.

The Blauzungenkrankheit has struck the Swiss of the Nords. Impfung eines Rindes in Lower Saxony.


At the end of August, the Federal Republic of Germany was the first to experience the fall of Blauzungenkrankheit in Switzerland. Affected were Schafe in the Cantons of Waadt, Jura and Solothurn. Either is the Zahl der infizierten Tiere auf über 1700 risen. The large quantity of davon – series 1500 – has been inspected with the Serotyp BTV-3. This variant can take place in the Schweiz festival over time.

The virus discovers that everything in planing is Symptom with Fieber, Entzündungen, Odeme and Lahmheit, it comes with Fehlgeburten, the Sterblichkeit is erheblich. If the Verlauting is milder, the huge shutdown on the Milchleistung can take place. For the affected agricultural sector, a high level of economic satisfaction dies.

It is a problem that the virus variant BTV-3 technology is used, but it is not the case that it ends up in the Swiss Zugelassen. In October, the Swiss medical staff and the Federal Office for Health and Veterinary Affairs (BLV) underwent a sogenannte allgemeinrefügung treatment. This best immunization is from the Bund and Kantonen that makes the Anwendung of Impfstoffen against the Krankheit, even if they are no longer formally eligible.

This autumn it will return and the government will not be able to function either in the Bundesrat or in Parliament, nor in a regulated way. Laut a Mitteilung from Swissmedic would like to call on a professional who deals with the statutory financing of the industry. Swissmedic has given the Unternehmen the opportunity to improve health insurance for the impfstof by looking up the Serotyp BTV-3. The holders have no trouble at all, a problem with the Herstellern is a fact. “Ein Gesuch würde von Swissmedic mit höchster Priorität treated”, heisst es in der Mitteilung.

Rechtliche Grundlagen gefordert

The Swissmedic and the BLV have the Bundesrat zuvorgekommen. Bereits in September and October will encounter more national and standard masses in the Krankheit. In a move, Der Ständerat Jakob Stark (SVP) has chosen legitimate Grundlagen for the import of formal non-EU medicines and substances. Spätestens bis im Frühjahr 2025 müsse ein Impfstoff zur Verfügung stehen. If you want to see the Nationalrat Ernst Wandfluh (SVP) with an expert Bundesrat, make sure that the gesetzlichen Grundlagen for an import have never been paid out.

A blessing letzten Sitzung who now responded in the Bundesrat. The Antwort lasts the hour of the Vorstösse alledings nur stipulated zufriedenstellen. So it’s party time, there’s a good chance that one of the few impfstoff in Schweiz-tatsächlich does not exist. If the European states have an unreliable generic versügten, their willingness dies by not reaching the BLV further, then there is a full Zulassung of the Impfstoffs in an EU-Land inheritance orderlich sei.

The Bundesrat states that as a result of the breakthrough, a “calming” Grundlage for a proven generation of impfstoffen when purchasing products can be found. Annahme’s Motion Stark has been put to an end. Parliament has been guilty during this parliamentary term.

Schutz voor de Krankheit is possible

In the Schweiz period that went through the Blauzenkrankheit festivities in 2007, there are now mothers in the Variante BTV-8. An IPF program was implemented by the Bund from 2008 to 2010. The virus of type BTV-3 appeared in Europe in 2023. In the Netherlands, there were many disasters in the year 2000.

If the virus is caused by the disease, it is an airborne virus. For people who do not have infections, the virus cannot be removed. The Blauzungenrankheit would take place in South Africa in 1934. With the export of Merinoschafen they improve their health. There are 36 possible virus variants.