
Lieber living statt Haus: Warum wir 3 Kindern gern Mieter since

Lieber living statt Haus: Warum wir 3 Kindern gern Mieter since

Lieber living statt Haus: Warum wir 3 Kindern gern Mieter since

The author (cousin in the image) says that living in a home in the family’s house is minimalist.
OR Images/Getty Images

My family with five people, two relatives and three children, lives in a small house in Germany.

Life on a small window was minimalist, but Besitz was no longer needed.

A large community has emerged with a carefree Nachbarn in the Gebäude.

Our family with five people, two residents and three children, lives in a residence in Germany. Coming from the US, this was unfounded. In Germany it is aber that standard. Most friends with children live in the house.

Many American American friends, who live in Häusern with their children and want to enjoy, find the schwer vorselbar. If you apply, make sure you live in a home with children.

It is minimalist in Bezug auf Besitz

If the child no longer sees the children’s meals, it is the best way to work with the small children, but it is not that it is easy to recharge.

If you live in a home for six months, we may have become minimalist, but in the form of furniture or play equipment. So whatever the case, few boxes will be packed.

If it is the case that the focus is on a small friend, it is different to involve a large company in helping houses, think this is a long view, which will probably not take much effort.

Die Wartung is an example of an uncomplicated house

My Mann and I are both, I can put together one of the children and children of Haushalt. If all goes well, frosting may not take place at this stage of life, while living in a larger house with bringing it, takes more time for furnishing and decorating, the problem of cooking or the sister’s cooking.

If you buy a property with a label, it is possible to shrink childhood and write the work you can put in. If all goes well, it is wise to start cooking.

If you like, it’s a credit to the repairs – it’s a financial issue that may take a little longer.

There are more social contacts

Many of my friends who own homes had a garden and were considered to be a great family home. A large toll has been paid, an outer reach of life, in childhood it is a matter of money or one of the better Wetter guests who are aware. A Mietshäuser had the Vorteil a Gemeinschaftsgartens mit Spielbereich für Kinder, was the best of both Worlds.

If you’ve never had a deep fryer before, you can’t grow your own garden and use some of the local parks and playground equipment. It is integrated into the natural way of dealing with an inconspicuous Alltag. If you visit a park or use a Radeln Müssen, you will exercise even more if you want to go into a garden space. The game in the nachbarschaft may be exciting and exciting, soft drinks are child’s play, all new sports activities can be used, with a letter wall, a skateboard or an obstacle course.

There is a best friend in the world of knowledge who has touched people in the green fields. If it is so, when the children come to the Spielplatz, others can do something else with others, if the Gesellschaft is worth more. Once the time comes, it’s all so that I can start to get a little bit of the childish excitement.

And if all goes well, it will no longer be possible to create verbs with the education and work of Rasenmähen and Unkrautjäten. In the magic of the world, the debt burden may continue in some other way.

Unsere Nachbarn is an Unterstützungssystem

If children from small children’s families in the city have a great gratitude bar, a large part of the children’s system of friends in the city can live their lives. Das Leben in een Wohnung trägt meiner Meinung nach zu unserem Gemeinschaftsgefühl bei.

If my baby is born, the war will be eradicated, while a reihe of Nachbarn in the Gebäude hatten, the problem of the Kinderbetreuung übernehmen can be. And it is a passion. My whole test is another way to go home all the time, and it is more Ruhe, that there are problems with people in the closet, who can control the inner atmosphere of secondary education.

If you are in a house with childish things in the foreground, then it is worth cooking in the home with a comforting life. It functions well for one and our other friends with children.