
Auftakt der Hessisch Lichtenauer Karnevalisten

Auftakt der Hessisch Lichtenauer Karnevalisten

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Auftakt der Hessisch Lichtenauer Karnevalisten
Tanja I. and Mike I. are the new loose ends higher up. © Hendrik Woltmann

Hessisch Lichtenaus Narren begins the Campaign with a rauschenden.

Hessisch Lichtenau – End war is still alive: The battle “Heli Helau” was destroyed in the new Kampagne bright and heavy in Hessisch Lichtenauer Bürgerhaus.

The Karnevalsverein Hessisch Lichtenau (KVH) has a Freitagabend zur Auftaktveranstaltung with many Showeinlagen of its own Tanzgarden eingeladen. And the Resonanz-war so good, that the Verein spontaneous nor 40 sister plans with Stühlen, Tischen and Tischdecke aufbereitetetete.

The high punkt of the Abends, on all tense hinfieberten, war the Proklamation of the new Prinzenpaares. A few people have been attracted to Prinzessin Lisa I. and Prinz Michael II. the Stage, the “spitzenmäßigen Abend” is enjoyed and seen by the new Prince couple.

“I love Narren here in Saal, nun versteht ihr our Motto und our Liebe zum Karneval“, sagte zum Abschluss ihrer Proklamationsrede unter großem Applaus das new Prinzenpaar Tanja I. and Mike I., “denn Karneval feiern wir überall im Land“, but below would be nice again with the Vereinen vom Lossestrand.

Princess Tanja I. grew taller in Metzenbach near Spangenberg before reaching Hessisch Lichtenau. Your use of the device and the associated Heilpädagogin is absolutely necessary in Eschenstruth. Mittlerweile labor Tanja I. in de Leitung für een Kindertagesstätte in Baunatal. “Der Karneval is my Leidenschaft and that is not a Scherz,” said Tanja I., who is here since 18 years for the Weiberfasching and the Närrische Garde schlägt. Prinz Mike I. is working on a career as a Mediterranean product in Helsa. It’s been 25 years since it was in the country and must be absent. In the signal Brust würden, Mike I., two Karnevalsherzen, said: “The whole thing is blue-white, for the KVH, that’s the way it is. The other glitter Rot, für die Helsaer Gäggägs, meinen Heimatverein. “Ebene diese were there with a great Abordnung erchienen and celebrated with everyone in the Saal of the new Prinzen couple. Symbolically, the old Glitzer-Jackett and the Hut were displayed in a display case, while in the diesjährige Kampagne Mike I. statistics of the Mantel, Hut and Zepter in the blue and white Vereinsfarben of the KVH. As a patchwork family, the princes live in Helsa and travel abroad for hiking or skiing in the mountains.

Before the program of the Tanzgarden has a “small appetite”, so Sitzungspräsident Markus Klockmann, nach denen sich die Gäste nor more op de kommenden Sitzungen freuen können. The new Prince Couple of the Show program has begun with the opening ceremony and the dance show on the stage for a thrilling Ausklang des Abends. (swo)

The Funkengarde presents the Showtanz “Zoff im Märchenland”.
The Funkengarde presents the Showtanz “Zoff im Märchenland”. © Hendrik Woltmann
If the Prinzengarde is the Pirates of Karibik.
If the Prinzengarde is the Pirates of Karibik. © Woltmann, Hendrik