
Schützen Sie Ihre Augen ausreichend gut? 5 some tips for the Alltag

Schützen Sie Ihre Augen ausreichend gut? 5 some tips for the Alltag

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If the sin is a true sin, it is gilded. By following simple routines you can improve your work and minimize the risks of brain disease.

It is often the case that the smallest things have a greater chance of cooking – it is gilding for the prosperity that has disappeared in August. Since there is no effective transfer of a current to the augengesundheit, it may be that you take the best separation and story-changing measures, your Sehkraft will be there and the risks of augenerkrankungen you can reduce. In the following cases you will find a nice find in the Ratschläge.

Take your sunglasses with additional UV protection

When you take care of the damage caused by UV radiation, a very high sunscreen is uncontrollable. Be sure to check your CE guidelines, which is the European minimum standard for UV protection. Good sunglasses can increase the risks for the growth of Grauen Star (Katarakt) and Netzhautschäden.

Avoid Sie das Rauchen

Rauchen can influence the breakthrough of the augen and the risks for the changing macular degeneration, a netzhauterkrankung, which changes the woman and blinds the Flecken-führt, erhöhen. Laut dem Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschland There is also the risk of cataract at the source. Would you like to warm up with the Rauchen? Here you will find your tips, which investigations you can do.

Woman sits on her laptop and looks into the ferne.
Wer fell on the PC seat, but we see the Blick in the Ferne-schweifenlassen. © Image

Verbringen Sie more Zeit im Freien

Norbert Pfeiffer, director of the Universitäts-Augenklinik Mainz and Vorstandsmitglied der Stiftung Augework in Gespräch mit Focus onlinemore Time to spend free time. Draußen zwinkern wir häufiger and erneuern so the Tränenfilm. “Wenn man long am Computer sitzt, kriegt man trockene Augen, weil man nur noch halb so häufig zrinkert, as wenn man im Green ist”, says Pfeiffer in Interview with Focus. This way we are free to explore in the Ferne as well as in the inner space, it is important to be safe. “It was the best day of mid-afternoon, it was two days later,” says Clinical Director Pfeiffer: “The whole life is for children, young people and young people until 30. Life – so long can a man be safe – without having to worry.”

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Regular research studies

Ab dem 40. Lebensjahr empfiehlt der Berufsverband der Augenärzte Regular Augenuntersuchungen, een Krankheiten wie Grünen Star (Glaukom) frühzeitig zu acknowledge. A frühzeitige diagnosis is separate, a diagnosis is a legitimate treatment and a fair treatment.

Proper hygiene when treating contact lenses

An incorrect relationship with contacts is separated, an infection that is avoided. Clean your linen regularly with streamlined cleaning and wash your hands thoroughly before using or reusing the linen. These regular checks are intended for contact and spectacle wearers of greater use.

This treatment contains complete information about your physical health and should not lead to self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. There are no shortcomings in the due process. Individual fragments of the Krankheitsbildern would be edited by a non-editor.