
Stars of Vergabe der Ehrenoscars

Stars of Vergabe der Ehrenoscars

Zahlreiche Prominente has played the Vergabe der Ehrenoscars in Hollywood. Stars like Nicole Kidman, Sharon Stone, Kate Winslet, Willem Dafoe, Daniel Craig, Kevin Costner and Tom Hanks dealt with the rotten Teppich. Angelina Jolie in the role of Sohnes Knox Jolie-Pitt, combs Jennifer Lopez in an elegant pearl dress.

Jennifer Lopez

Reuters/Mario Anzuoni

Preisträger Jones kürzlich verstorben

The Preisträger der Governors Awards were presented by the Film Academy in June. You will find yourself spending two weeks with 91 year old music mogul Quincy Jones.

There is another film music (“In the Hitze of the Night”, “Die Farbe Lila”) composed, Spielfilme on the Leinwand presented and TV-Serie mitentwickelt. The 1982 production was Michael Jackson’s hit album “Thriller”.

Enjoy the legendary casting director Juliet Taylor, the direction of Nora Ephron, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg and play films with ‘Der Stadtneurotiker’, ‘Taxi Driver’, ‘Schlaflos in Seattle’ and ‘Schindler’s List’.

Award for Bond-Produzentine

The national Drehbuchautor Richard Curtis (‘Vier Hochzeiten und ein Todesfall’, ‘Notting Hill’, ‘Bridget Jones – Schokolade zum Frühstück’) has experienced his social engagement with Jean-Hersholt-Preis.

The American film production of Barbara Broccoli and his colleague Michael G. Wilson, which made possible the production of James-Bond film production, won the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award.