
Wintermüdigkeit ade: Mit der 85:15-Rule bist du sofort wach

Wintermüdigkeit ade: Mit der 85:15-Rule bist du sofort wach

In winter it is often difficult. With the 85-15-Method you can enjoy better health.

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If we hold on, but it is a matter of dunkel and anstatt aufzustehen, uberlegst du, lieber nor a Runde im warmen Bett to snooze?

If you have a problem, over time you should be aware of the problem that you can see on the 85:15 rule.

Einfacher früh opstehen met der 81:15-Rule

The principle of this rule is simple: if you decide that you will enjoy the fall in 85 days, the time will start and tomorrow will be the time on the solltest.

The rest 15 Prozent sind für de Tage, een dir das Aufstehen morgen under the schwerfällt. If you have a schaffst, this rule may take a few weeks before you can get into a good rhythm.

Concretely, if you spend 6 days in the week sitting on top of it and continue to do so, one morning in the week you will be able to have a great time.

If the 85:15 Rule does not apply on Wednesday, it is most likely that the 4 days of regular delivery and follow-up periods will be considered, and it will continue to be fun.

Most people can pay more attention to the time and a greater amount of water that reacts sloppy or dunkelheit. Enjoy the best moments of life, from schlafen to cooking more energetically tomorrow.

A regular feeding routine can occur in a bowel.

Hormonelle Schwankungen in winter

Before you pass the time, this routine is tough. It is a longer German product that produces the hormone hormone serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, but other people cannot tolerate this.

Make sure the melatonin comes from the kitchen when it is thin. The so-called Schlafhormon-steuert den Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus des Körpers.

In the dunking of the Monaten it is true that it is much greater, that it is a regularity to react.

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