
Scharfe Kritik und Kommunalrechtsreform in Hesse

Scharfe Kritik und Kommunalrechtsreform in Hesse

The reform of the communal right promoted by the CDU/SPD-led Landesregierung has attracted a lot of criticism. The opposition in the Hessian Landtag has criticized the investigation, the sitting in the Kommunale Parlament that supports the party’s larger parties. Mathias Wagner spoke of a “fear of the democratic right-wing smaller party”.

“Die Plane der Regierung test de Grenzen der Verfassung aus”, warned the internal political discussion of the FDP-Fraktion, Moritz Promny. The AfD criticizes the “democratic part of Hesse” for all schwarz-roten plans, citizens in the community of affairs. The specifications for the Hessische Gemeindeordnung are that it is first discussed in the Landtag.

Minister of the Interior Roman Poseck (CDU) drafted the government statement and discussed the “access rights novel over the years”. Ziels, the community parliaments deal with the machines and the business organization. One of the other people who will start a new investigation for the sitting assembly in the coming years in the year 2026 is that it is a small party schwieriger maché, which can start with the small stimulus mandate of its errings. One of the problems that arose was the representation of the municipal council representation in the Kommunale Parlamenten, which changed the status of the bisherigen Hare-Niemeyer-Prinzips in other Bundesländern übliche D’Hondt-Verfahren. Doing this business can promote the larger profitable parties.

Considered reform or reform “aus purem Eigeninterest”?

Since then, after the Communal Wahl 2026, a number of people’s faction may be more. Damit was often entgegengewirkt the split of the Kommunalparlamente, court of the Internal Minister. A financing application and more rights of speech combined the Fraktions status for loners that now exist in that form in Hesse. Darüber became a Kreistagen, Stadtparlamenten und Gemeindevertretungen can possibly do their best, the Zahler Mitglieder with an einfachen Mehrheit zu verringern. Bisher is an inherited orderly Zweidrittelmehrheit.

While the Minister of the Interior was “attacking the wind” of the municipal Spitzenverbände, the opposition faction of the Greens and the FDP were vehemently rejecting their plans. The sitting verteilung after the D’Hondt system is a veraltet en ungenau, by the Grünen-Fraktionschef Wagner. Deshalb has taken the Landtag and other Parlamente von diesem Verfahren Abstand. The Landräten, Bürgermeistern and Beigeordneten can be expected to receive an eight-year settlement from the Second World War period, while the more attractive open-ended greenhouses were “completely due to the times”. Minister Poseck will give the Amtsträgern with the Gehaltserhöhung an Anreiz geben, sich his Verantwortung über a longer Zeitraum zu put.

Online petition against Einschränkung von Bürgerbegehren

The FDP-Abgeordnete Promny stopped the Wahlrechts reform for a “fear on plurality in our country”. The interests of the Wahlverfahrens, CDU and SPD pursue pure self-interests and weil damn smaller parties and Wählergruppen geschwächt became. The Regierungskoalitie has attacked Kreistage, Stadtparlamente and Gemeindevertretungen, while the most common Parteien and Gruppen give their opinion, there is a great criticism during the reign of the government.

Criticism is one of the best assessments of kommunale Bürgerbegehren. Greater infrastructure, in case a Bau a Umgehungsstraße a Planfeststellungsverfahren inheritance orderlich, is if no more of these Weise could be prevented. Damit passe sich Hessen der Rechtslage in other Bundesländern an, sagt Poseck. “Citizens can enjoy themselves even more intensively, but at the same time they will experience great joy and celebration.”

As the “Democratic Association” in the nature conservation association BUND and the NABU, which represents the Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad-Club, one can submit the request for citizen requests with an online petition. Given that “Beschneidung demokratischer Rechte” (Beschneidung demokratischer Rechte) 11,000 Unterschrifts will be collected.