
Fuso Canter das Arbeitstier – KFZ-Anzeiger

Fuso Canter das Arbeitstier – KFZ-Anzeiger

Fuso Canter das Arbeitstier: Große Hoffnung is located on the Leicht-Lkw, ob as Canter or eCanter. The original Truck is a segment in the Daimler Truck Portfolio, where the brand no longer has any other models.

The role of the “Kleinen” among the large Lkw of the Marken Mercedes-Benz or Freightliner has emerged as one of the most exciting consequences of the time alternation between the Truck-Marke and the Stern. Schließlich since Lkw des Modells Actros deutlicht teurer als der kleine Canter. Note another segment of knowledge as the brummis, which is chewed before all kinds of speculations. De schieben zo gewaltige Anschaffungen seit diesem Jahr hinaus.

When the new CEO of Daimler Truck, Karin Rådström, the new CEO of the American CEO Martin Daum, got a great Hausaufgabe top executive, the new CEO Martin Daum came up. By Joe Kaeser, who gave his advice to the last press conference after the appointment of the CEO of the IAA, Daimler Truck has informed the largest industry in the Western world of the high margins in the industry. It is true that it is wettbewerber, the representation of 14 to 15 percent is erreichen. Letztes Jahr lay on the company of the Daimler Truck in the Industriegeschäft at 9.9 Prozent, these years became eight to a new problem. More important than this discussion is the new version of the trade and service networks.

Vorstand Martin Daum meinte dazu: „The reine Fokussierung auf Umsatzrenditen ist falsch“. If the Betriebswirt is clear, it is “the story that weter zu verbessern” is true. If you choose one of the middle standards, the absolute height of the individual parts is up to you. Daum gibt seine boat Nachfolgerin Raum. The Opzichtsratsvorsitzende dageggen verschärft die Ziele. Actually, the Absatz at Daimler Truck has been recessed considerably. Mercedes-Benz Trucks is located in Quartal 28 Prozent. Positive days since the Zahlen in the US (plus 4 Prozent). It is therefore more important that the Rolle des Leicht-Lkw from Fuso is in Daimler Truck Portfolio with the Marken Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, Western Star, Fuso, BharatBenz, Rizon, Thomas Built Buses and Setra. Der Verkauf von battery-electric Trucks lays een 36 Prozent zu.

In these complexes of the Gemengelage with Asienvorstand Karl Deppen.

There is a juso experience and such a great influence on the Fusion of Hino and Fuso, a larger weltweit-operative Japanese Lkw Hersteller, effectuated.

Karl Deppen, Head of Daimler Truck, responsible for the Asia Region with China, India and Japan as well as the brands FUSO, BharatBenz and RIZON.

KFZanzeiger: Mr. Deppen, was the power over the Fuso Canter that important?

Karl Deppen: Explore the Fuso Canter and look more at Dinge. Herausragend ist fraglos die hohe Nutzlast bei smaller Grundfläche. In the ground construction of the signaller it is an extremely flexible and common Fahrzeug, which is a Vielzahl of Anwendungen abdeckt. The roads are so important when using electromobility. This flexibility and recovery flexibility in a fully electric development, the war that will begin.

The Zweite was one of the most advanced battery technology, the so-called Lithium-Eisen-Phosphat (LFP) technology, which falls under the commercial vehicle insurance policy due to its robustness and long service life. The war of Anfang and our Entwicklungsziel, with the e-Canter a real workhorse. So, who is the power of Diesel who does not want. Besonders ist ferner: There is a small battery installed under the Rahmen of the Fahrzeugs installation, under Rahmen. In the Verbindung met der e-Accessoires there was a good chance that clean-up repairer and der Rahmenseite would arise, and the principles of flexibility in the diesel variants. Once the fuel supply is complete, the 85 Prozent der Dieselvarianten can be used as an electric vehicle. It is impossible to make electric mobility for the skills as simple as possible. A beautiful finish is of course also state-of-the-art safety and driver assistance technology. This is the case: There is a new generation of Brems assistants, with Side Guard Assist, also the Abbiege assistants and Bord – was no longer important in the urban sector. All features of the Canter-Fahrer are not visible.

If the punkt, the Fahrzeug auszeichnet, ist letztendlich nicht the Fahrzeug, under the Vertriebs-uns Servicenetz, that we could make the Verfügung able to. In Europe you have 500 partners, so if you start one of the best experiments, you can get a qualification and have just as big a problem, it just won’t work. If you are a friend, you can get your hands on this Angebotsbreite in Europe.

KFZanzeiger: A proposal for a market: If you can use a global vehicle. Inwiefern?

Karl Deppen: We have been with our guests in over 70 markets. Damit hears the Canter zu unseren globalsten Fahrzeugen in Gesamtkonzern. The Marke Rizon has been launched on the US Market and Mark has become one of the US Market adapted versions of the popular Canter. The e-canter is intended to expand the e-car fleet in the Leicht-Lkw segment. Other: Vom Fuso Canter wurden bislang mehr als 4.5 Millionen Vehicles produced.

KFZanzeiger: Stichwort USA. Hat is a smaller chance a real chance?

Karl Deppen: In the US, the Class 4 and Class 5 figures – the weight ratings have shifted – have dropped in fear. The crosses are different in their own way. So who can see in Europe and in some segments of American cuisine, in the USA it is all for the Bereich of the Swiss pickups. If you see this, you cannot reuse the Van-basierten-konzepte, nor the Pickup-basierten-konzepte, the passenkeit und desvalseitigkeit van de Canter or a solchen Fahrzeugkonzepte. In the US you see the knowledge that produces such an inner fahrzeugkonzept, the high notes on the smallest Grundfläche-bietet. If you are in Einsatz, you may find that there is variety in the punk style and everything is robust and wonderful in the Einsatz.

KFZanzeiger: Is the Fuso eCanter grim?

Karl Deppen: Grundsätzlich is grim in de südostasiatische markt, zum Beispiel Indonesien. This is gold plated for the MENA region (Mittler East and North Africa), also countries where they play Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia Fuso seit zwei Jahren gemeinsam with a joint venture partner a CKD-Fertigung (completely taken down). A problem is being marketed. If you choose a strong Händlerbeziehungen, the network is enlarged.

KFZanzeiger: The eCanter started in 2017. Was it a passion?

Karl Deppen: Before you can use the e-Canter as the first vehicle in the electric Leicht-Lkw eingeführt. Sprich: Dies Fahrzeug ist jetzt auch sieben Jahre in Betrieb, hat in dieser Zeit zig Millionen Kilometer gesammelt and ist seit letztem Jahr with Volgmodell and separate Verbesserungen on the market. There is expertise in the competitive situation.

KFZanzeiger: Das Fahrzeug ist vergleichsweise small, suitable for German Innenstädte and communal Aufgaben?

Karl Deppen: It’s an amazing journey. Be sure to use the Fassungsvolume or the Weight, the Fahrzeuggröße and the Beschaffenheit of the Einsatzgebietes. It was one of the most important: Woolen in the Light-Duty Truck segment is a product bot, it is a special promotion in that segment. We see yes in the communities in Germany. The einsatzfall gibt is an unjustified notification. In Europe, people see their unjustified property rights: Enge Altstädte, enge Straßen, Wohngebiete, we don’t always have a big Fahrzeug seinen Platz hat. It is the Canter eigentliche unschlagbar aufgrund seiner Einsatzmöglichkeit, seiner Wendigkeit. A Beispiel, one of the best friends, is Griechenland here. My partner for Athens and Thessaloniki has the first experiences with the Müllsammelverkehr. We live in Japan Vehicles in our home – we live in others Marken schon dabei. Aber für Europa is the first Einsatz. A large amount of water at 89 degrees can be very simple, it can be an unused Konzept.

KFZanzeiger: Who wants to work with Tramagal production in Portugal?

Karl Deppen: Tramagal is for us a long-term standort – They were even dry. Wir hatten im Frühjahr das Jubiläum: 60 Jahre. You can produce for years in the European market and make profits naturally through one of the most comprehensive companies, with standard bedding. Our war is becoming more and more important, but the market is not productive. Once the problem occurs, it is difficult to stop the recovery process. If production is no longer carried out in Europe, this combination with vehicle and anwendungsaufbau is optimal for serving the knowledge.

KFZanzeiger: Stichwort Produktivität in Japan – Is this also possible in Europe?

Karl Deppen: Production in Japan is nach wie vor gut. The roads go with our stamfertigung to who you have been in Kawasaki. A number of years ago, Japan received an important order for the Währungskurs. It is always the case that a bis is more, but a bis is less. If you are applying in Japan, you can do so using the standort. Zum een ​​beetet Japan has enormous stability, so its politics are economical. The brands are German and also volatile in other regions. You can rely on a very loyal base. If you are looking for excellent retail, you can ensure good sales, a market that can be optimally served.

KFZanzeiger: Und der Markt in China? Is there an opportunity or a problem?

Karl Deppen: China is a natural market. There is no pandemic that has a large magnitude of financing, but the years over time remain at a low level as in the pre-pandemic, with a high degree of zweistelligen. The schedule is one of the most important things in the Chinese market. And so whoever is the Pkw has to make this transfer in international markets. This guy is going to the IAA Transportation 2024 and other posts. Those who are more lawful or more passionate can ask themselves, that is what happens at Daimler Truck.

The interview was conducted by our Autorin Dr. Susanne Roeder

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Photos: Fuso Trucks, Daimler Truck