
ICOMOS Suisse gibt Historical Hotel and Restaurant of the Year 2025 with mention: A handsome 250 year old siege

ICOMOS Suisse gibt Historical Hotel and Restaurant of the Year 2025 with mention: A handsome 250 year old siege

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Zurich (ots) –

The “Hotel Restaurant Kreuz” in Herzogenbuchsee (BE) has existed since 1787 and has now ended for the first time with the “Historische Hotel des Jahres 2025”. Zum “Historischen Restaurant des Jahres 2025” with the Baratella restaurant in St. Gallen (SG). These two Auszeichnungen wurden heute Montag, 18. November 2024, bij Mitglieder der ICOMOS-Jury überreicht.

“The Schweizer Gastgewerbe is required, you are welcome to enjoy the best food. This means that the guests with the quality and enjoyment of the food and the excellent food they enjoy,” said Beat Imhof, GastroSuisse President, in the Ansprache in Herzogenbuchsee. “Historic hotels and restaurants have a special charm, an unverwechselbarkeit – that’s a bit. It is possible that there are details and that the real time of the time is reflected.” Make sure that the Häuser and Betriebe won the ICOMOS jury in those years. “There is a great recovery for self-esteem, the historic hotels and restaurants are there, and there is a great opportunity for everyone, who dies like this, to experience the Alltag, and Orten, die een Geschichte erzählen,” said Präsidentin von ICOMOS Suisse Sabine Nemec Piguet. Zur Preisverleihung in Herzogenbuchsee trafen sich in der Preisträger and neben den both Laudatoren das Co-Präsidium der Jury, Kerstin Camenisch and René Koelliker as well as Vertreterinnen and Vertreter von Hotellerie Suisse, GastroSuisse and Schweiz Tourismus anyway more Guest, um the Prize zu überreichen, the two Winnerbetrieben for your involvement in thanking and receiving a reward.

Das Hotel Restaurant Kreuz: A hotel with a good location

ICOMOS Switzerland verleiht dem Hotel Kreuz in Herzogenbuchsee the Auszeichnung “Historisches Hotel des Jahres 2025”. Damit würdigt the Jury that strengthens the number and the fachrechts, die in de Restaurierung und Instandhaltung die ehrwürdigen Betriebs eingeflossen. In 1787 as a guesthouse, the Betrieb focused on an incorrect, aber also moving history. The Frauenverein ersteigerte 1890 de Gasthof, der 1891 als first alcoholfreereies Gemeindehaus der Schweiz eröffnet wurde and sich zu a social and cultural center entwickelte. 2010 führte een Schließung zu great Engagement der Bevölkerung, das Gebäude wiederzubeleben. In 2013 it was time to put an end to a teure sanierung, while you expressed the production and design of the project team Kreuz. The renovations in 2016 have been historic. Elements that would have survived the history of the great Dachboden with the end of the Holzstruktur restoration and the first years of the great efforts. The restoration has delivered a 21-year comfort standard. Jahrhunderts brought, in enger Abstimmung with the cantonal Denkmalschutzbehörden. Das Interieur connects historical details with local production Möbeln. De Geschichte des Gasthofs is überall im Betrieb erlebbar – von den nachhistoricen Personen bers van Zimmern bis zu den Gemälden in den Gängen.

Das Baratella: A Restaurant with Silence

Das Restaurant Baratella am Unteren Graben in St. Gallen is an institution that is often regarded as the “Kronenhalle der Ostschweiz”. The young Italian traveler Salvatore Baratella came to St. Gallen in 1905. There is an integrated view and a classic Swiss beer kneipe from a culinary temple of Italian cuisine, which is very popular in Namen. Der Umbau in the 1930s looked great for the historic look. The Speisesaal is met lindengrün-gemalten Holztäfer, white decked Tischen and classic Thonet-Stühlen ausgestattet. It is an integrated integration of the modern shaped sofa or a buffet display case from the 30 years that you find it. Die Familie Baratella übergab 1963 das Zepter an den Koch des Hauses, Benjamino Marchesoni, und dieser wiederum an seinen Sohn Franco, der die Tradition im Restaurant in jeglicher Hinsicht weiterführt. The Speisekarte consists of 100 year old traditions in Italian with a lot of fun. The Recipes are displayed 1:1 across generations. The baratella presents the art, and the wall, on top of the menu card, which is openly printed every year, is shaped by an exuberant art.

Historic Hotel/Restaurant des Jahres

The Auszeichnung “Historische Hotel/Restaurant des Jahres”, with the many years of hospitality activities for the Erhaltung and Pflege historicer Bausubstanz gewürdigt, was set to 29. Mal in Folge verliehen. Get started with the sister collaboration of Denkmalpflege, Gastgewerbe and Tourismus and go to the Fachverbänden GastroSuisse, HotellerieSuisse, Schweiz Tourismus and ICOMOS Suisse, of the Schweizer Landesgruppe des Internationaleen Rats für Denkmalpflege. A jury, composed of experts and experts from the design industry, architects, architects, hotel industry and restoration, has informed the preisträger of the einggerichten and decisions for ort. The Auszeichnung with jewels in the spices for the next losers.

In November 2025, the ICOMOS jury will award the Auszeichnung Historical Hotel and/or Restaurant zum 30ten Malliehen. The jury reviewed the anniversary of the awards assessment and the jury’s verdict and reversed the results. The great success of these processes is that knowledge remains up to date with the results in November 2025.

Pressure contact:

At Rückfragen:
René Koelliker, co-chairman of the jury, +41 79 854 82 77,[email protected]
by telephone at Montag 18. November 2024, 3-6 PM.

Original content from: ICOMOS Suisse, added to the news
Original notification: