
Bürgergeld-Empfänger nur im Stress: Für Putzen bleibt da keine Zeit

Bürgergeld-Empfänger nur im Stress: Für Putzen bleibt da keine Zeit

Life with Bürgergeld is not easy. Before anyone has a friendly hat, it is taken care of. A problem, Maik and Jasmin know that. The two main characters of the RTL social report “Harz en Herzlich” played a small role, albeit with the most recent surprises.

So Maik and his partner Jasmin von Bürgergeld live, neither does the Child Benefit come to Sohnemann Lennox. Large amounts of water are not possible. Dazu comes, that Jasmin and his child visit a Mutter-Kind-Heim. Make sure most people have strong Kraftan strength.

There must now be a Haushalt alleine bewältigen. A Tätigkeit, the young Mann looks good. And so braucht es Hilfe, voor Putzen, en derlei Dinge Maik finds in the tagglichen Besuchen, that there is a family abstract, which is neither Zeit.

“Deshalb ist sein eigener Haushalt zületzt etwas zu kurz kommen”, he is at RTL Zwei. And so Mama Bärbel has to get serious, a Sohnemann at Hausputz zur Seite zu stehen.

++ Bürgergeld-Paar gibt Hunderte Euro aus – “Leben nicht mehr in der Steinzeit” ++

There is no urgent need for this war. The Katzenklo spot is located on all Nähten. “Bah, das brennt ja in den Augen”, Maik laments, why is the Streu together with Kot-Häufchen in a Müllsack-kippt. One of the tranquility of the Bude comes together.

“Hartz und herzlich” tagch at RTL Zwei

Nur gut, that’s Mama Bärbel gibt. The 64’s first used as cleaning equipment would not have worked. Just do it if it’s right. “Contact with the Arbeitsamt is a fact, the war is a matter of over. Habe schon everything beantragt. If you’ve had a long day, you run out of money. I am happy, yes, that is not so long,” says Maiks Mutter. And if that’s the case, it’s a matter of the Schwiegertochter and the only child.

The whole Folge “Hartz und herzlich” chance du am Montag (18. November 2024) at 5.05 pm at RTL Zwei sehen. Watch the episode of RTL Plus abrufbar.