
Spitzenplatz für Betriebsgastronomy in Baden-Württemberg

Spitzenplatz für Betriebsgastronomy in Baden-Württemberg

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The best Canteen Deutschlands can be found in Baden-Württemberg. A software unternehmen says that the gastronomy is at a high level.

The gastronomy of gastronomy can be grim walking in recent years. Away from some simple groceries and fast food, if you have a culinary lifestyle, it is true that it is nachhaltig. A Paradebeispiel dafür is a Canteen in Baden-Württemberg, the von der Initiative Food & Health zur best Canteen Deutschlands kürt wurde.

MANNHEIM24 reports on the best Canteen Deutschlands, and only in Baden-Württemberg ist.

Das Catering-Unternehmen CANtine, een Tochtergesellschaft des Hotels Traube Tonbach, concerns the Canteen and can also be found in the Category of the Largest Canteens as well as in the Category of the Canteens with up to 400 Mahlzeiten pro Tag doordurchsetzen. The jury of the canteen tests looked at the overall composition of responsibility, community health, gender and communication. (alm)