
Trump and his leadership: These people are responsible for their Cabinet

Trump and his leadership: These people are responsible for their Cabinet

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Trump and his leadership: These people are responsible for their Cabinet

Susie Wiles with Donald Trump's Stabchefin

Susie Wiles with Donald Trump’s Stabchefin

© ASSOCIATED PRESS / Alex Brandon / Picture Alliance

An impfgegner with the Minister of Health, a Klimawandel-Leugner Energy Minister: For Donald Trump it will be Regierungsbildung. Neben Elon Musk is courting more loyalists to Schlüsselpositionen. An overview of all personal matters

Donald Trump loses no time. After the triumphant Wahlsieg it becomes a tool of power: to find the right Leute for your second Amtszeit.

In the long Monatens of the Wahlkampfs, Trump has the names of people who have fallen, who are given a ‘bigger job’ in a direction of their own. If you have made a mountain corridor, it has begun, potential candidates for the kitchen cupboard position and the white house for the preparation. One oddity has remained throughout the process of others: loyalty to Trump.

Donald Trump staked his cabinet posts on loyalty

In the first American period, Trump has not had to deal with the other Republicans, Washingtoner Insidern and other general matters. The press has drawn attention to John Kelly, National Security Officer John Bolton, Justice Minister William Barr or his Vice President Mike Pence. It was these things, the most diverse things that Trump’s intuitive slate food had – and that heute in schärfsten Tönen warned about my other chef.

Solche Leute will be in the meantime again during the day. Trump is planting the Ebene in the seiner Regierung mit Loyalisten besetzen, which became borders set anyway.

These fehlenden Leitplanken became the best in American democracy, American politician Eric Schickler warned in the conversation with the Stern. “Man must know that: The Einstellungskriterium is no longer Kompetenz or Parteizugehörigkeit. Is it all in the Frage, are you loyal to Trump?”

In his staunch loyalty, Trump has had a falling out with his colleagues with his champion Susie Wiles and Berater Stephen Miller. It is a fact that one of the unconventional candidates of Superwahlkämpfer Elon Musk is going over a Platz and Trumps Tisch freuen with his chef Robert F. Kennedy.