
Schokomarkt: Süße Vorfreude: The Tübinger „Chocolart“ steht in den Startlöchern

Schokomarkt: Süße Vorfreude: The Tübinger „Chocolart“ steht in den Startlöchern

From December 3 to 8, 2024, the Tübinger Altstadt itself turned into a Schoko-Schlaraffenland. If that year continues, there will be a transformation program – more and more Plätze are being built in Voraus.


Hell has been around since 29.11.2016 so that you can see the colors on display at the Schokoladenmarkt "chocolateART" on the Platz "Ben Markt" in Tübingen (Baden-Württemberg). 86093772 Photo: Christoph Schmidt/dpa ++ +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The Fassaden der Tübinger Altstadt were transformed into Life by Light Art in 2024. Archiv image.

Christoph Schmidt/dpa

Gender for Gaumen and Augen

The Schokoladen-Festival in the Tübinger Altstadt took place from 3. to 8. Dezember took place during the Schokoglühwein, when the Kakao-Kreation “Dubai-Schokolade” was a. New is the “Bombardino-Praline”, with Eierlikör and Sahne, the Champagner-Schokolade with Erdbeeren and a new variant of “Palmer-Praline” with scharfer Chilinote.