
Lula started Allianz against Hunger Von dpa-AFX

Lula started Allianz against Hunger Von dpa-AFX

RIO DE JANEIRO (dpa-AFX) – Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has started the G20 Gipfels in the coastal metropolis of Rio de Janeiro with the Globalen Allianz (ETR:) that has become hungry and poor. “Hunger and Armut are no longer Knappheit or natural phenomena,” says Lula. It is a very political issue that extends its boundaries to a larger scope of human health. The initiative is one of the central themes of the Brazilian G20 Presidential Association and the Unterstützung of 81 states.

In the group, only cleaning and cleaning work is carried out for the sake of Ernährungssicherheit. “That’s great strength,” says Lula. Der Kampf gegen Hunger und Armut sich ein Voraussetzung voor de Schaffung un Fried Welt.

Financing to the tune of $25 billion

The Interamerikanische Entwicklungsbank (IDB) has received interest of 25 billion US dollars (23.7 billion euros) and financing for the period 2025 to 2030. When the European Union became committed, the President of the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen mit.

“Jeder, der damit rühmt, an der Allianz teilzunehmen, ist verpflichtet, de Allianz, vor allem aber de ärmeren Länder, finanziell zu unterstützen”, states a statement from the Hilfs organization World Vision.

The NGO Oxfam writes: “The Allianz can fight against hunger and extreme poverty like a Wendepunkt in the Kampf. It is a matter of political indebtedness with money transfers and debt burdens, while the Allianz does not go any further.” So the fragmentation of land law and the small small landwirtschaft in the Blick mode were thus resolved. “Now that the famine and the structure of the economy are in place, the famine and the poor can be effectively constricted.”

Kampf against Armut is Lula ein Herzensanliegen

Der Kampf gets hunger as Lulas’ priority. If a child in the Northeast of Brazil has a poor family, there is no more hunger. In seinen ersten Amtszeiten (2003 to 2010) hollow Lula with the Programm “Fome Zero” (Null Hunger) and the Familiensozialhilfe “Bolsa Familia” Millionen Brasilianer from the Armut.

At the Meetings of the State and Government Chefs of 20 führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer it is not worthwhile to use the Armutsbekämpfung at the international reform institutions, the Klimaschutz, after a Kriege in Ukraine and in Nahost.