
Zehn Tote in Odessa nach russischem Raketenangriff Von dpa-AFX

Zehn Tote in Odessa nach russischem Raketenangriff Von dpa-AFX

ODESSA (dpa-AFX) – In the South Korean port of Odessa, the Zahl der Toten nach a Russian Raketenangriff is on its management. Take a look at Polizisten, teilte der Governor des Gebiets, Oleh Kiper, at Telegram mit. Auch a Arzt and two other residents of the city will also be welcomed. Sometimes four German people are lost. There was war between 8 Toten and 18 Verletzten die Rede gewesen.

The Ukrainian army has to deal with the fact that the attack in a residential area by the Absturz becomes one of the ballistically chosen missiles of the typical Iskander-M attack. “Wir drücken de Angehörigen and Nahestenden unser Beileid aus”, wrote the Luftwaffe on my Telegram channel.

President Wolodymyr Selenskyj did not speak to President Wolodymyr Selenskyj in the Network Auf Telegram write of demonstrative Russian rocket attacks, the Zeigten, Dass Treffen und Telefonate with the Russian Presidents Wladimir Putin sincerely. Selensky has received a response to the question from Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) with the criticism of the Kremlin chief.

The Ukraine will soon be in danger of a Russian invasion within 1,000 days.