
Kurz interview with Claudia Maurer, new director of spoga+gafa

Kurz interview with Claudia Maurer, new director of spoga+gafa

See November 1, 2024, Claudia Maurer as director of spoga+gafa. After 15 years in the USA, the 47-year-old is going on holiday to Germany and Germany is now motivated by the large garden and BBQ fair in Cologne – so who is into personal experiences and changes. The next spoga+gafa took place from 24.-26. June 2025 stat.

Claudia Maurer, director of spoga+gafa (Bild: Koelnmesse)

Was begeistert Sie one of the spoga+gafa?
I find the theme combination of spoga+gafa unique and very exciting. The Messe represents the Grüne Branche throughout the country Vielfalt – von Gartenmöbeln and Decoratie über Geräte and Maschinen bis in their BBQ and Outdoor-Küchen. The power is one of the international trends for the new trends and innovations in the outdoor lifestyle.
During the international Knives visited the HPB Expo in the USA, a few have appeared in the Outdoor world and turned white, which is the global Austausch. The spoga+gafa-bietet of the green industry is a central platform – an ort, and the zkunftsweisende garden and BBQ trends and the relaxing gestalt annexehmen and new ideas. When I am free, this dynamic will continue and move the stock market forward in the future.

Welche Erfahrungen who come from the USA with a flight?
Through my long-term work with international stakeholders, there is a wide variety of cultural activities and white, whatever it is, Veranstaltungen on the global business groups. There is a world with separate stakeholders, a different vision of integration and a convergent strategy that is as local as an international heritage. This disease was caused by the effects of the spoga+gafa.

Who sees your personal taste?
My personal life is Grün warbisher eher überschaubar. As for my time in the US, many Zimmerpflanzen, Schnittblumen and Kräuter genutzt, an old atmosphere is being deleted and the quality of housing is high. For the Zukunft here in Cologne there is a large balcony or terrace with a delicious kitchen, a grill and a wet bar – perfect, a friend and his culinary treat.

About the spoga+gafa:
The spoga+gafa is the largest garden and BBQ fair in the world. As an international trade fair in Standort Cologne, the impetus for the entire Welt des Gartens is established. Auf der führenden Leitmesse bespricht de Grüne Branche Sortimente und Trends der kommenden Saison en präsentiert Lösungen für current en zukünftige Herausforderungen. The focus on the spoga+gafa is on trends and innovations in the field of garden barbecue, garden creation and maintenance, garden life and garden uniqueness. The single Angebotsbreite power that Messe zum place to be for the Sortimentsentscheider all Handelsformen. Ideeller Träger der spoga+gafa ist der Industrieverband Garten eV (IVG).