
Costs 4. Abwasser-Reinigungsstufe turned out to be higher than expected

Costs 4. Abwasser-Reinigungsstufe turned out to be higher than expected

Bonn. The Herstellerverband Pharma Deutschland (vormals BAH) stops the von der kommunale Wasserwirtschaft-veranschlagten Kosten voor Ausrüstung größerer Kläranlagen with a 4. Cleaningstufe for deutliche cleaning brushes. Folglich became the Verbandene Finanzierungsbeitrag der Pharmaunternehmen “bisher massiv von der Bundesregierung unterschätzt”, so the Verband in een Mitteilung am Dienstag.

The Stellungnahme is seen as the new EU Kommunalabwasser-Richtlinie (KARL), which was published in November last year. Danach can use large quantities (of 80 percent) pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies for the construction and business of 4. Cleaning products against micro-damaging substances.

25 Building projects in progress

Unterdessen sei eine Kalkulation des Verbands Kommunaler Unternehmen (VKU) is unrealistic, concretet Pharma Deutschland. The estimated work costs for the VKU Gesamtkosten (Bau und Betrieb einer 4. Reinigungsstufe) vary from 0.40 Euro to 2.60 Euro per Cubic meter Abwasser.

A connection-specific assessment of 25 Klärwerksprojekten der youthen Vergangenheit (2018 tot 2024) dokumentiere jedoch “reits für de Bau Kostenspanen von 2,02 tot 3,91 Euro per Cubikmeter Abwasser”.

Pharma-Deutschland-Geschäftsführerin Dorothee Brakmann: “These current forecasts of the VKU explore the tatsächliche finanzielle Belastung.” Anlässlich national Guidelines-Adaption seien stattdessen „the Costs of four Klärstufe certain (zu) bewerten, um nachhaltige Entscheidungen zu meet“.

“Taking consideration of industry seriously”

The VKU costs 4.0 billion euros in construction costs for 570 Klärwerke aus, the height is higher. The own high costs based on the real project costs amount to only 10.5 billion euros in construction costs – and that is much more than double the value of the VKU forecast, so Brakmann goes further.

There is a negative analysis of the pharmaceutical industry and the health care with which Arzneimitteln abzuwenden – the industry in particular warns against generic products -, especially in Berlin “who consider the industry seriously”. The German Bundesregierung can be expanded, “in national regulations in the dialogue with the pharmaceutical industry.” (cw)