
Adventskranz selber machen: 3 nachhalten ideas

Adventskranz selber machen: 3 nachhalten ideas

Adventskranz selber machen: Die Floristin Ji In Park verrät three nachhaltige Adventskranz-Ideen. Inclusive!

They know that fell light. All the years who is the man for the herausforderung: Den Adventskranz selber machen? Or can you use a fertig-gesteckte kaufen? Hinzu comes with the Frage des Stils. Is it a traditional and classic signal, with kiefernzweigen and rotten Kerzen, or is it a bit more geagter, also farbenfroh and bunt, perhaps even without Zweigen and Grün?

Adventskranz selber machen: Original idea for a late-night holiday

Portrait Chaska Nawi Flowers

Zusammen with Christos Stravrianos führt Ji In Park den Blumenladen „Chaska Nawi“ in Munich.

Chaska Nawi flowers

The Floristin Ji In Park has a great talent, if all goes well, there are unusual flower arrangements for composers. As a fashion designer, you use all the rules of tying in your flower bouquets. From minimalist to opulent – ​​Park serves itself in unconventional style and combines fresh Pflanzen and Trockenblumen in my Munich Flower Loading “Chaska Nawi”, with Hortensien, with Rosen, with Getreidegras, with Moos, and with beautiful Gestecken. If you feel like Floristin, the flower with fresh flowers can be formed after flowering. Regarding the use of flowers, the park is no longer suitable and is displayed in the form of Trockenblumen, it is combined with textiles. So we decided to provide a friendly alternative solution. For AD hats that are Ji In Park original, Advent Christmas ideas including – Writing for Writing Anleitung are included.

Classic, yet different

“Dieser Adventskranz is a self-employed Materialien who cherishes Hortensien, Sonnenblumen und Kletterpflanzen”, erklärt Park. “The design is asymmetrical and modern in nature, the shape of the traditional Advent wreath was round. If you notice the natural shapes and textures of the sidewalk flowers, other things are about an unconventional, visual display, but this green and beige look makes them want to.’ , find wir.

Adventskranz Ideas

The Nachhaltige Adventskranz is one of the different stones of Trockenblumen, the Hortensien is its sunflowers and kletterpflanzen.

Sophie Schaper