
Camera Club Markt Swabia: Tanz und Vergänglichkeit – Ebersberg

Camera Club Markt Swabia: Tanz und Vergänglichkeit – Ebersberg

It was a visit to the Rathaus of the Markt Schwaben and die Wochenende. The Camera-Club Markt Swabia said that in the year 2024 in August – or the photo lines – the world will have the blesser with soft hat. Zumindest Teile dieser Welt. The Mailänder Hauptbahnhof etwa, the club explorer Günther Keil in the end printing of one of the eingefangen hats.

Tip for the Camera Club Market Swabia has been working on other projects for a year. It was mentioned in the Rahmen der Jahresausstellung „Photo 2024“ among other classic Storytellings: 31 Bilderserien zu Freien Themen – Betrachtungen zu Menschen, Tieren en deren Lebensräumen in Stadt und Land. With photos of the themes ‘Ausgedient’ and ‘Lebensfreude’, the Clubmitglieder are shown at an international street fair during those years.

Walter Schneider photography Wanderer in wunderbarer Landschaft – Lebensfreude in Szene gesetzt. (Photo: Veranstalter/divers)

A schließlich war da noch „Die Rückkehr der Namen“, an erinnerungsproject gegen braunes Gedankengut, initiiert vom Bayerische Rundfunk. If the Camera Club fragments, see how the program plays a woolly role, if this or so. During the project wolllte der BR, unterstützt durch das Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt Munich, a 1000 Münchnerinnen and Münchner in any case 71 people from Amberg, Augsburg, Regensburg and Würzburg remembered, who followed the NS-Regimes, became human and moral. Zehn Mitglieder des Camera-Clubs is looking for a big promotion in April that will be a photo report for a year, but from BR on the published website. I am Rahmen der Foto 2024 since Teile davon im Markt Schwabener Rathaus zu sehen.

For the images, the stories, the themes that are used quite often, projects can be done over time. Specials fell Impulse sweetie die Landesgartenschau in nearby Kirchheim. The Verbund-Verbond is busy with the Clubmitglieder of the cultural culture, so that it is inspired Blühen and Wachsen. The project can be shown in the future in the photo series, but also on paper, in digital photos and in an audiovisual display. Claudia Topel from the Camera Club and Führerin at the State Garden Show was in a blended show this time. The Federal Garden Show shows the motivation for another project: Wabi-Sabi. The underlying Japanese concept is one of a kind, with things (Wabi) and with regard to Vergänglichkeit (Sabi).

Günther Keil photographs the beautiful Blatt, in his eyes it is clear that he is recognisable. (Photo: Veranstalter/divers)

For more than 40 years, the Camera Club has been an international city that has a lot of fun and enjoyment in photo clubs. In October I will be at the Markt Schwabener in Mattighofen in Upper Austria with a driven Platz-geehrt. The projects, which are offered for public viewing, are used by the camera clubs and are presented to a number of couples in the Schwabener Rathaus on the market. The project must be carried out in the form of a schnappschuss at the sonntagsspaziergang: If you do not continue with the performance set, then Thema is used differently.

Under “Ausgedient” many photos have been taken of objects that have lost their function or their notes and can no longer be used. If you are concerned, power nachdenklich, manchmal or melancholic.

Reinhold Panjan hat with his Blattgerippe a stacheligen Ilex-Blatts in the Verrottungsprozess a Beitrag zu Wabi-Sabi geliefert. (Photo: Veranstalter/divers)

And of course it is often a matter of verbunden, if it was a promising hat, and so the market might also work with the other, still alloyed Mittelschule. The ‘Art and Culture’ activity is organized in September with the Happening ‘Art Break’, an opportunity for creativity, for the abbreviation of the School of Wände and Räume with works of art that they shape. Günther Keil, Klaus Lüders and Christian Raab are in charge of their eighth room of the Art Break atmosphere.

This small Künstlerin hat Christian Raab beobachtet. (Photo: Veranstalter/divers)

Unlike the Associations of “Ausgedient” you have “Lebensfreude” nicht Rückblick and das Gefühl von Verlust, without a Perspektive auf das, was kommt, was sein könnte, of the Genuss and die Gegenwart. A common Überblendschau fastest in Bildern Gedanken zur Lebensfreude sisterammen. Bildergeschichten look at music and theater joy.

Those who enjoy listening to music less during Tanz and Musik. The images were taken by Monika Rinas at the Münchner Königsplatz. (Photo: Veranstalter/divers)

Während de Clubmitglieder bei gemeinsamen Projects immer wieder de Möglichkeit zum Erfahrungsaustausch über Blickwinkel, Sichtweisen, mögliche Motief or Techniken nutzen and the previous Soul Orientation bietennen, ermöglicht the individual photography that Freiheit der Entfaltung, manchmal auch die schlichte Hingabe and the Sch openness of the eyes.

Monika Rinas had a great opportunity with her help in determining the financial resources. (Photo: Veranstalter/divers)

The Camera Club can no longer be occupied with his camera, but he has taken up his Freude and photography, perhaps some description, or even with the smartphone used for photography. You may find ambitious photo enthusiasts in the Ausstellung at a Tasse Kaffee and a Stück Kuchen foutfältige Anregungen, in the photographic Dialog einzusteigen über einzelne Bilder of the Thema in Allgemeinen.

“Photo 2024”: Jahresausstellung des Camera-Clubs Markt Swabia in Rathaus-Foyer, geöffnet am Samstag und Sonntag, 23./24. November, jewelry from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.