
Eiszauber am Gries in Wasserburg starts on November 21

Eiszauber am Gries in Wasserburg starts on November 21

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Eiszauber am Gries in Wasserburg starts on November 21
Traveling in Gries: Heuer Gibt is a Eisbahn in Wasserburg. Offiziell will be available on November 21st. © re

Eiszauber am Gries: From 21. November the Wasserburger wieder the Kufen can swing. At 15 p.m. the largest real-Eislaufbahn between Salzburg and Munich will be open. On January 6, you can make a decision about your beef cattle. Since those days Highlights.

Wasserburg – The Aufbauarbeiten lie in the letzten Zügen: Am Donnerstag (21. November) in Gries de Sparkassen-Eislauf-Arena eröffnet, with SAS Events in a Pressemitteilung erklärt. Bürgermeister Michal Kölbl, the Betreiber von SAS-Veranstaltungen and the Verantwortlichen at the Wirtschafts-Förderungs-Verband (WFV) was born 15 hours from the Startschuss. There may be a surprise that you cannot perform the test. At 2 p.m. the Eisfläche for all Schlittschuhläufer is ready, part of the Veranstalter mit.

Opening am Gries am 21. November

The Wasserburger Altstadt remained in the Rathaus and Hofstatt during the winter period on the Christkindlmarkt, where perhaps things did not go so well. A highlight is that of Eiszauber am Gries sein. Since November 21 to January 6, 2025, the great Eislaufbahn between Salzburg and Munich will be available. Of course, with the credible Laterndl-Alm and a great Rahmenprogram for Alt and Jung. Betrieben met de Sparkassen-Eislaufarena auch heuer von der Firma SAS-Veranstaltungen aus Albaching um Manuel Scheyerl and Stefan Staudinger – in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wirtschafts-Förderungs-Verband der Stadt Wasserburg.

In the Maleisch Innschleife directly on the Ufer des Flusses, the organizers of the Flair of the Wasserburger Winters provide a unique experience. On the 15-metre Eislaufbahn, Eislaufing is a real Eis-möglich – first experience the “Pinguino” – a professional Eispflegemaschine. It is one of the perfect requirements stated in the Eisstadion guarantee. The Arena is open on December 24 and 25.

Reduzierte Familienkarten

This schlittschuhe can be used naturally in the Sparkassen-Eislauf-Arena. Während der gesamten siben Wochen Betriebszeit es für Familien (zum Beispiel zwei Kinder, zwei Erwachsene) reduzierte Familienkarten. Also, Jahreskarten für Kinder und Erwachsene angeboten.

Neben der grote Eislaufbahn-gibt is for all Zuschauer and der Bande der Arena a tolles of lighter Ambiente. A unique experience, a new Almhütte (Laterndl-Alm), in the warm Speisen, Brotzeiten and natural calm and warm Getränke were offered, is also for the guest of, who has an Außenausschank for all Mulled Wine fans and a Bratwurst stand for real Christkindlmarkt feeling.

Öffnungszeiten and other events

Die Öffnungszeiten Publikums-Eislauf: Montag to Donnerstag, 2 p.m. to 5.45 p.m. Freitag and Samstag, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sonntag, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Am 28. Dezember will take place the big Vorsilvester party in Wasserburg with “Just Duty Free”, “Born Wild”, two DJs and many more statistics. Karten gibt’s beim Innkaufhaus ab heute. Der Neujahres-Spendenlauf takes place on January 1 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. It was all spent money and a regional, communal Zweck.

On January 5 you will find the probable Bierkasten-Curling-Event-statt – a Riesengaudi for Jung and Alt. The Beer Chest Curling is a Gaudi Eisstock turnier that has been developed – now it is fitted with beer chests statt Eisstöcken. Opening hours at 7 p.m. (Eintreffen der Mannschaften at 6 p.m.) Notification and information under [email protected].

Die Laterndl-Alm has a tag from 2 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and I am open until midnight on Wednesday (Sunday: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.). Jeden Donnerstag gives live music. Jeden Freitag is a large Eisdisco with light effects and DJ in the Sparkassen-Eislauf-Arena am Gries. A Feuershow is shown on the Eis and the zwischendurch immer wieder Eiskunstlaufaufführungen. (regarding)