
Freiburger Algen-Sommelière: Algen statt Speck

Freiburger Algen-Sommelière: Algen statt Speck

The Freiburgerin Hanna Koglin is the Algae Sommeliere – one of the many very few experts in the field. You would like to see more algae in the European kitchen.

The Freiburgerin Hanna Koglin hat – as one of the first in Germany – a Ausbildung zur Algen-Sommelière gemacht. Once you have done this, you can put spaghetti with straps or badischer flaming dishes with more salad on the skewer cart and prepare them yourself in the used German kitchen. If not, Algae will be fine.

Full on Trend: Algae are healthy and rich in tasty nuts

Algae come in. They are traded as Superfood, containing healthy substances such as minerals, vitamins and proteins. A single grading is an Omega-3-Fettsäuren. A geschmacklich machen Meeresalgen destroys her. Fresh or getrocknet, there is another Geschmackswelt, such as Algen-Sommelière Hanna Koglin from Freiburg.

Die Dulse-Alge schmeckt angebraten nach Speck. Wakame hat Lakritz-Noten, a bisschen ätheric. Meeresspaghetti schmecken sehr mild, Meersalat hat Grüntee-Nuts

Algae Sommeliere Hanna Koglin from Freiburg

Algae Sommeliere Hanna Koglin from Freiburg


Neugierig about Algen-Kräcker und Walnuss-Birne-Meersalat

The geschmackliche bandwidth of the algae is great. Hanna Koglin can use the machine for algae sales. Those who are interested in staying at the Café “Cafésita” in Stegen do not have any überwiegend nor keine Algen try. They are new on the Algen-Kräcker with Nori-Belugalinsen and the Flammkuchen in the Geschmacksrichtungen Aubergine-Dulse or Walnuss-Birne-Meersalat.

Algen-Verkostung in Stegen


The correct answer: Algae became clean forever

“Algae have become seasons”, says the Algae Sommelier, which is why they are small Schälchen with different types of algae that can be revived. When one of the brown crusts comes out of the oven, it will form a large spaghetti. “The recipe requires a thorough preparation of the food and takes 20 minutes to cook and then produce such a great pasta preparation”, explains the Algen-Sommeliere that are prepared.

Hanna Koglin creates more spaghetti in Schälchen here

Hanna Koglin creates more spaghetti in Schälchen here


Zur Algen-Sommelière became Pioneer-born

If the classic sommelier is a wine kümmert, Hanna Koglin is an expert and beraterin in Sachen Algen. In that year, the image of the Industrial and Commercial Chamber of Magdeburg is that the Algen-Sommeliere are more and more important in the World of Algae, in your health conditions, Möglichkeiten and Borders, in Marketing and Zubereitungsmöglichkeiten des Meeresgewächses.

If there are new trends that Hanna Koglin has introduced in Algeria over the years, it is worth selling online. It’s not like you have your own first Algen-Häppchen-jenseits from Sushi. A bisschen answer has done, erzählt sie. And it is often the case that the Algen-Sommelière is used by others.

When the man said it was Algeria, De Leute was skeptical at first and saw a biss of his insight. And then you say “Oh, it’s all good.”

Everything with Alge? Health risks

If you personally take the meal regularly, as a topping in the salad or the refinement of brotaufstrichen. Nothing like that could happen. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) is working on the roads of the colleges Algen nur in kleine Mengen zu essen. Ensure that many products and products are produced that come from the Jod-Gehalt.


frischer Meersalat, a Grünalge


Superb Gesichter bij der Algen-Verkostung in Stegen

Bei der Algen-Verkostung im “Cafésita” in Stegen since the Algen-Flammkuchen and -Kräcker inzwischen fast learn. And the Verkosterinnen and Verkoster des Abends are extremely sad and extremely angry. “It’s a completely different story, it couldn’t be otherwise,” said Norbert Walter, who invented the Algae hat. Sebastian Rees has a Dulse-Alge-Auberginen-Flammkuchen in his hand and tries to eat more and eat them first.

Schmeckt works if there is Speck in the Flammkuchen.

Café Inhaberin Jenny Reyes, who is trying her hand at beer, laughs. “Yes, that’s the man-alge with the speckgeschmack.” Wakame, Nori & Co. get to work in the Baden kitchen themselves: After the Algen-Sommeliere Hanna Koglin is now a Frage der Zeit – en a Fangemeinde, who waits… I am the best so fast with Algen.