
Weibliche Selbstfürsorge: Selbstfürsorge als Optimierungsmaßnahme am Körper

Weibliche Selbstfürsorge: Selbstfürsorge als Optimierungsmaßnahme am Körper

Obviously I see more people on the Tag in social media before I look on Instagram, so most people see the modern woman and mumble in their new bed. With massages and lymphatic drainage, my facial hair lifts, Baby Botox, Weiblichkeitsseminare machen – or a complete Mommy Makeover under Vollnarkose. When I cleanse my lungs, use my chemical peeling or schlucken a vitamin C at Goji-Beeren, cover my inner Göttin through Tantra-Massagen, order the G-Spot Vibrator and the Licker. The wellness industry is reinforcing a more sustainable self-sufficiency as an inherently nur as well as Optimierungsmaßnahme am Körper. Women become with a woman with a harmful sexuality, with pink dildos, in their private lives.