
So I’m in Tiny House

So I’m in Tiny House

At the time when construction costs were higher, the trauma of smaller homes fell – in the Burgrieden district, which could have happened. The Huchler + Partner company is located in a minimalist house on Bühler Straße, which is a model for the Zukunft. Anderthalb Jahre nach dem Spatenstich steht inzwischen die Hälfte der knapp 30 Häuser.

In four weeks there is a Modulhaus für Rot

“It is still a matter of time,” said Mane Huchler, Geschäftsführer des Planungsbüros from Biberach. Es würden immer weniger free Flächen – 14 van 28 plants Häuser stehen jetzt. Four weeks later, the Manufaktur Huchler started building Gutenzell, a house.

The project has a very regional brand identity.

Citizen Meister Frank Högerle

“Nach the end of the day, it is still a week, but the house is occupied,” said Wolfgang Huchler, Production Manager. Before they passed the years, Tiny-Häuser was a builder. Community association for the vision of a new home.

If the first module in the “Quarter for Smaller Homes” in Rot is expanded, the war will be a longer road: in the year 2019 of the Startschuss for the Planung, Anfang 2023 will then end grünes Licht. A more important war will be the generation of permanent Haus models at the Baurechtsbehörde in Laupheim. There is a slight difference: because of the construction work, which is not related to the production skills, the development depends on the Huchler company itself.

Mane and Luka Huchler from Huchler + Partners are happy to be together, that is the half of the Modulhäuser in “Quartier für kleine Wohnen” now.

Mane and Luka Huchler from Huchler + Partners are happy to be together, that is the half of the Modulhäuser in “Quartier für kleine Wohnen” now. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

“With their project we have an überregional impact,” says Bürgermeister Frank Högerle. The design for the siedlung, which is a private entrepreneur on the basis of a business plan, is ideal. The area is positive. The residents of the Siedlung are unpleasant and busy in the community time.

Von Oberholzheim in the Quartier for smaller homes

The resident of the first house is Barbara. Look at your home in Munich for a modular house built in Rot. “And it all happened like this, who is mir vorgestellt habe,” said that. Der Platz in ihrem Haus, das nicht einmal 50 Quadratmeter gross ist, reiche ihr locker.

If you receive a message about new messages, this is the interest in living arrangements. Make sure you can see the front door of the people in Burgrieden and the area near your home. “We live well with our ideas for smaller living lives,” says Huchler.

There was a sparrow man who received sight.

Wolfgang Huchler

Two of us are friends with Jürgen and Tina Fahleker. She lives in the Siedlung in August. Ihr Haus with 135 Quadratmeters in Oberholzheim has created a modular house with a living area of ​​50 Quadratmeters. For Mane Huchler a Musterbeispiel for all Ideas for smaller homes. “Viele Leute wollen ihre Häuser verlassen, in itself they are reduced”, is very sad. There is a huge trend for the house to be built on a smaller scale – which must be of high quality.

“Of course, man cannot have everything. When it was a man who gained sight, it is the sin that becomes smaller,” wrote Wolfgang Huchler ein. Anyone who has a view is not one for resident Jürgen Fahleker. “If you live in a big house, you can play the daily routine with a little Fläche ab,” he says. In my new house everything was great, it was cozy. “I love it,” says Frau Tina, who lived in a smaller home for a long time. “I was often asked: Fehlt euch nichts? Aber nein, uns fehlt here nichts“, said that.

Jürgen and Tina Fahleker have built a modular house with 50 square meters into their house with 135 square meters. They are not missing anymore.

Jürgen and Tina Fahleker have built a modular house with 50 square meters into their house with 135 square meters. They are not missing anymore. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

In the Fahlekers’ house it is a kitchen with Wohnzimmer and a small Arbeitsecke, not lying Bad and Schlafzimmer. “Jedes Haus is different,” said the resident. If you are planning for a while in January, keep the meal cooking time as it should be. Make sure that life is shown on a smaller scale.

I am near a concept house of Firma Huchler. Here you can find interesting interesting information about a modular house. “If man is so reduced, he can test his life absolutely,” says Mane Huchler. Der Traum vom kleine Wohnen will receive an amount of 160,000 Euro. The Gebäude with the KfW-Effizienzhaus-Standard 55 indicates that the energy supply from the small power consumption increases. Beheizt became mittels Fußbodenheizung and a Klima-Split-Gerät. Letzteres brighten up the house in winter and relax in summer.

Planer had no idea for the Quartiersentwicklung

“We live small lives,” says Planer Mane Huchler. There was concrete, it was produced in Burgrieden, there is no self-sufficiency – the areas were affected by the planning process. “Wir wolllten Häuser entwickeln und zeigen, that’s what it is,” he said. A planungssicherheit zu commen, habe man sich entschieden, de Grundstücke and de Hauseigentümer zu vermieten.

“That is a night for young families,” says Huchler. If there is a private Grund, on a house, a young couple cannot get financial financing. Der Planer can call on a new workplace – here a new idea and a new design can be conceived, a small home for even more people attractive to machines: in the time of a home an alternative can be an alternative, or a flächen single couple. Denn im Quartier in Burgrieden stehen in etwa doubles like felle Häuser, who passes in a herkömmliches Baugebiet.

Do you need a model for designing?

Is it possible that Tiny-Häuser will take on the task? “Jein,” said Mane Huchler. There is concrete, it is a flexible home and the living situation can be more. “The Zukunft is the modular construction”, see the Planer. Seine Vision sind Kleinhäuser, die mithilfe von Modulen erweitern welding. Etwa, wenn more Platz für Kinder beötigt wird.

However, you will still see that the best Quartier has been developed. “Manches haben wir schon hinbekommen, nietheres noch nicht,” said Huchler. A beginning is made – before the Wochenende has finished the Bäume. A lot of residents who visit the Quartier are kurzem bewirtschaften Schafe die Grünflächen. The Straße is celebrated in the Kommenden Monaten.

If it is still free, the flame can now be shaken for an orderly Grün.

If it is still free, the flame can now be shaken for an orderly Grün. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

Huchler and his team are planning a car-sharing scheme for e-cars and e-fahrräder and an energy provider with these solar modules. “Wir woolen damit die Nachhaltigkeit improvesern and de Energiebedarf so fünstige wie möglich decken,” paints der Planer. When you’re at home, there’s a lot of solar energy being used, um, it’s my own Stromnetz test. When the occupant in the Strom looks directly at the Huchler Company. In the area there is an Anschluss des Netzbetreibers. If summer causes an excess of solar flux, this will be done. „Immer mehr things passeren gemeinschaftlich“, brother to Mane Huchler.