
Shiny nose: Shocking Rentier-Plätzchen with Brezelgeweih

Shiny nose: Shocking Rentier-Plätzchen with Brezelgeweih

In the families, families were happily married during Christmas holidays. And if all else fails, see an individual out. Who these Rudolph-Plätzchen from Food-Bloggerin Julia Uehren.


“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose…” Wer hat diesen Weihnachts-Evergreen nicht schon schmettert! Fitting is one of the interest rates you have to pay when you click on the Plätzchenteller.

If this is not the case: Sie schmecken auch köstlich. The Teig turns a large portion of Kakao into a thick Schokobombe, and the Kekse is geschmacklich like an American Brownies. The manufacturer is a light-hearted person who knows the man from Sandkeksen.

It’s so simple that the answer is so simple that the spine has damn sour rights. A small recovery gift is: The braucht etwas Fingerspitzengefühl, the Geweih from the Mini-Salzbrezeln zu brechen.

Zutaten für 30 Rudolph-Plätzchen

60 Mini-Salzbrezeln (possibly a few more as spare)
200 g Butter (Zimmer temperature)
100g Zucker
250 g Weizenmehl (type 405)
1 TL Repulver
5EL Backkakao
1 Prize Salz
Zuckeraugen 60
30 round Schokolinsen
1 EL Puderzucker


1. Die Salzbrezeln so auseinanderbrechen, dass two “Y”-Formen für das Geweih entstehen.

2. Butter and Zucker with a Rührgerät schumig schlagen. Mehl, Backpulver, Kakaopulver and a Price Salz dazugeben and with sauberen Hands of a party Teig kneten. From the Teig approx. 30 gleich large Kugelformen.

3. Bake the backing with backing paper and bake the backing at 180 °C in the upper and lower heat.

4. Place the adhesive on the backing paper and let it print. The “Y”-Brezelstücke is a Geweih an der Oberseite in the Teig-stecken.

5. Die Plätzchen im Backofen about 15-20 minutes back. Completely complete welding.

6. A tropical washer with puderzucker becomes smooth and smooth. Damit was confirmed in Augen and Nase am Rentier. The Zuckeraugen and the rotten Schokolinsen kurz in the Puderzuckercreme tunken and on the Plätzchen setzen. Trocknen welding.

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