
No Abschluss, no Job, no Perspektive: Dieser Verein hilft Schulverweigerern

No Abschluss, no Job, no Perspektive: Dieser Verein hilft Schulverweigerern

About 50,000 schoolchildren and schoolchildren spent years in Germany who lost their schooling in their lives. It’s time to wait until the next day of the year 2023.

Part of the young person is a debtor who is a number of debtors. It is a childish and youthful feeling that that little one has lust or good purpose, in an unfocused story. The Verein “Palais” from Trier can be in debt and anyone else can be in debt. The young people were dismantled in the project “Reintegration into the Zukunft”.

Two children sit on their backs while sitting on a tennis table, while sitting on their chairs

Since 100 years has passed, it is a Schulpflicht in the whole of Germany. Your child between the ages of 6 and 18 must regularly attend school. Manchmal passiont das aber nicht.

Warum Kinder and Jugendliche van Schuldverwering were interviewed and who has the old Hilfe position, while Project Leader Bernhard Laux spoke with SWR Aktuell-Moderator Jonathan Hadem.


Stefanie Hubig (SPD), Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate (an archive here), who has assessed the Forderung nach de Zivilschutz-Übngen and Schuleb in RLP criticism. This theme plays an important role.

Grundschülen in Ludwigshafen schlagen Alarm: Viele Grundschüler in Ludwigshafen sprechen kaum deutsch und manche schwänzen die Schule. Was the Land jetzt plant, erklärt Bildungsministerin Stefanie Hubig (SPD) in the SWR interview.

SWR4 RP in Mittwoch

SWR4 Rhineland-Palatinate