
The Zürich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG has joined its Lieferants in the esg2go Rating & Reporting Tool

The Zürich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG has joined its Lieferants in the esg2go Rating & Reporting Tool

esg2go ermöglicht Unternehmen, your Nachhaltigkeitsleistung is practically possible Weise zu messenger and zu vergleichen. Nun überprüft the Zürich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG as the first Grossunternehmen with the innovative rating and reporting system is the largest part of the charity relationship. The KMU is so fast, cost-effective and uncomplicated that some of the costs are reduced. Prof. Dr. Philipp Aerni von esg2go: “Power is a stolzt, which means that Zurich has a significant impact.”

Herausforderungen bij de Erfassung van Klimaemissionen

Energetic remediation of the location, the energy savings of electric vehicles through E-Autos or the Einkauf von nachhaltigem Strom – these topics are included in the following topics: the priority list. If you see the CO2 emissions, the companies in the Sogenants Scopes 1 and 2 are winners. Also in Bereichen the company’s own infrastructure is heard or the energy management is animated by nutzung and its own locations. Although the beach is not based on Scope 3 energy, global emissions can also be reduced. The research and reporting of Scope 3 are voluntary in Switzerland.

Reporting-Pflicht für grössere Unternehmen

For Schweizer entrepreneurs, an EU company or an EU-Zweigniederlassung in the EU has encountered a net profit of 150 million euros, with a reporting obligation from 2025 onwards. If you have found one of the most important reporting statistics of the themes of society, social and unternehmensverantwortung (ESG), you die if climate emissions with a reassurance.

Der Nutzen von esg2go für Loveanten, those indirectly affected by the new Regulation

If smaller firms are affected by the burden, they are indirectly affected by them. If you want to be sure that the charities are one of the most important things to do. Esg2go’s assessment and reporting platform makes it smaller and smaller than most people, with a small amount of effort and effort. Deshalb offers the Zurich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG with charities that costs, costs and uncomplicated possibilities.

Enthusiasts can approach the subject professionally, an important success in the Bereich report from schliessen.

“Those Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer, die esg2go einsetzen, wollen wien, sie stehen. esg2go liefert ihnen hierzu präzise Werte in zehn Schlüsselbereichen. These jewels of the Vergleichsgruppe with gleicher Industrie- en Grössen-Klasse are zogen. Dh bei us sind nicht alle Architekten Gut und alle Bauunternehmer-schlecht, where the architect and the Bauunternehmer world are, will bring our situation and your research into the benchmark to your own understanding and that is the basis that the Akzeptanz offers on the market,” says Prof. Dr. Philip. Aerni, Director of the Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) and the Hochschule für Wirtschaft Freiburg (HSW-FR) de Vorteile von esg2go. Der Vorteil von esg2go in Lieferantenmonitoring von Zurich: “With esg2go cann ich de Nachhaltigkeit my Lieferantenpools einsehen. Ich cann damit einen besseren active beitrag zur Gesamt-Nachhaltigkeit der Zurich leisten”, says Daniel Lehmann, Head Supplier Relations at Zurich.

Saubere Lösung: Transparent and clearer data protection

Philipp Aerni weiss, who is also an esg2go den hohen Governance-Standards entsprechen muss. It is an institute that transparently publishes the method for erasing data and expands Wert on the introduction of data protection. Das Unternehmen bestimmt in jedem Einzelfall, wer was sehen darf. “Auch das is een Grund für unsere highe Akzeptanz im Markt”. Philipp Aerni Hofft, who has now opened a large number of gross units and an öffentliche Auftraggeber das Beispiel der Zurich and esg2go for the Nachhaltigkeitsausweis by the Lovers offiziell akzeptieren.


Was kann esg2go?

  • esg2go loves a “true & fair” “esg2go Rating” analogue to a debt note system
  • if you are in the “Key Driver Analysis” you recognize that a woman can say
  • and the “esg2go Intelligence” said that the intelligence data was aware of the current planning, background and all possible subsidies were here
  • esg2go Rating is voor Unternehmensgruppen (Holdings) nutzbar (two variants: Based on Scores or based on the Einzel-Eingaben) and eignet sich revorraged fürs Lieferantenscreening as well as for Screening of Verbandsmitgliedern
  • esg2go prefers to base the assessment on “one-off” Prinzip teilautomatisiert ausgefüllte standard reports with
  • GRI, DNK, TCFD, TNFD, CSRD VSME ESRS, the selbstenwickelten “esg2go Report” as well as industry-specific reports from dpSuisse or from HotellerieSuisse
  • the SbTI-compatible CO2 analyzer incl. Absenkungspfad
  • esg2go can be used on the Lieferanten-Screening-concerning OR 964j ff (Kinderarbeit und Konflikmineralien)
  • esg2goAnalysis und Analyze von Multizentric Auswertungen voor Verbände und Grosskunde
  • esg2goValidate the data of the fragungen during the year




esg2go is a public-private partnership that supports and is approved by CCRS. In 2018, CCRS with the Renaissance Foundation and Swisscleantech with the Entwicklung started a special focus on KMU-oriented ESG ratings, after which an investigation by the Federal Office for the Environmental Environment hatte that a solution does not yet exist on the market. Daraus has a star prototype of assessment tools. Thanks to the larger sponsors of Zurich and UBS who can assess the benchmarking of the ratings in the market. If the Technology Partner reaches a decision in 2021, 25 years in the Medizin may cause a problem with the registry platform. In 2022 a Vorabversion was launched and a year later a first official version of the esg2go ratings, which could certainly use one of the semi-automated assessment reports to non-standardized standards, which can create a C02 report that SBTI guidelines can be carried out . The system is continuously expanded. The new Entwicklung is the “esg2go Intelligence”, which is helped by AI by another company that is sweet, what its words say.

Homepage esg2go

Zurich Versicherung

The Zurich version that will see one of the nightest Unternehmen zu; niece now in Switzerland, sonden weltweit. Doing so will enable you to engage our advocates, associates and trading partners, and active businesses. Aber auch gegenüber der Umwelt, Gesellschaft and unseren Mitarbeitenden. And if you are active. Zum Beispiel with the project esg2go. A good overview of our other commitments on our website:

CCRS Center for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

The CCRS has been an associated institute of the University of Applied Sciences for the Wirtschaft Freiburg (HEG-FR) since 2022. It was in 2003 that the Arm der Stiftung Zentrum Nachhaltigkeit Zurich was founded. If you see that it is a good thing to invest in the interdisciplinary and oriented programs and stay in Switzerland, it is possible to undertake new projects in international development projects. CCRS is intended for the introduction of esg2go accountability.