
Prices for Restaurant-Besuch and Hotel-Zimmer in MV steigen

Prices for Restaurant-Besuch and Hotel-Zimmer in MV steigen

Einsicht am Hotelresen: Für Feriengäste und Einheimische steigen die Hotel- und Restaurantrechnungen in MV nicht mehr so ​​​​grimmig wie befürchtet. Hoteliers and gastronomes in MV have criticized their guests and their awards have been highly rated and we have been highly awarded in other new countries. In MV they both see a year-long pre-isbereinigung after their follow-up, which the Tourismusbarometer 2024 of the Ostdeutschen Sparkassenverbandes (OSV) festgestellt. The price depends on a higher level, according to Karsten Heinsohn, analyst of the market for schungsinstitutes: the price is not so strong – in those years it has also become in the other East German Urlaubsregionen.

Zimmer in MV costs 134.40 Euro

It is possible to say: Vor allem das Saisongeschäft treibe die Preise. Die Unternehmen seien darauf angewiesen, zwischen June und September de Großteil des Geschäfts einzufahren, erklärte Heinsohn. With a duration of 134.40 euros, neither the high Net Zimmerpreise in Eastern Europe is required in MV – 1.4 Prozent little as a year, nor the deutlich über dem Ost-Niveau of 101.90 Euro. In 2022, the Zimmerpreise gar um 7.9 Prozent had sunk. In the Krisenjahren they had risen about 30 percent. The industry is a great experience, the price is the same and the guests are welcome, they will be happy, the balance will be there, and they will be happy.

Kundenzufriedenheit improves itself better

The award ceremonies for the annual transition period can increase knowledge of the industry: Many guests have learned more about the prize-leistungsverhältnis in the transition years. Die Preisspirale in MV sei am Limit gewesen, says Heinsohn. Make sure the industry gets the warning signs. So from 2023, the knowledge about the TrustScores, the Beurteilung of the Unterkünfte on relevant online portals, is a 0.4 point out of 85.8 in the ranking. In the Vorjahren War, German cuisine died on the Plätzen and eleven gelandet. Schlusslicht since the West Mecklenburg Tourism Region, the Mecklenburg Lake District shines in East Mittelfeld.

Pizza and Schnitzel in MV am teuersten

Teurer as in the other East German Ländern ist es in MV auch in der Kneipen- und Restaurantbesuch. Pizza Margherita, Schnitzel with Pommes or das Bier: The durchschnittlichen Prize in the Gastronomie fielen 2023 in MV am höchsten aus – the Schnitzel beispielsweise with Schnitt 1.80 Euro teurer as in Thuringia. Dennoch: Ohne Preissteigerungen komme de Branche nicht aus, claim the Analysts. There are higher prices, one of the costs of covering and investing in investments, my Heinsohn. With more quality items for your guests, they will also welcome you.

Zimmerpreise MV

Guest has become more preissensible

On the market in the Zwickmühle: Teure Energie, gestiegene Löhne, high financial costs – costs for exploring the costs of undertaking a preiserhöhungen nicht here, erklärte Lars Schwarz, chef of the hotel and gaststättenverband (Dehoga). The costs of the market tentwicklung are higher than they are now. A part of the world, for everything domestic, no longer has any money to spend. The guests have become more sensitive, they are more interested in their visits and are more aware of the fact that they are more than 19 minutes away. This is a small family and Christmas celebration. “The people are happy with their money,” said Schwarz.

Vernünftige Bezahlung von Fachkräften

If you no longer have to incur costs, it will take a long time: guests will be charged a very high rate in the hotel and guest house in MV. Die Löhne sollen bis 2026 in three steps of 600 euros. A great and great abschluss, a fachkräfte that stops, veridigte Schwarz die Einigung. Guest, the experts are served and the quality is good, but they must also have common sense, so that they are well-informed.