
Reisen mit Behinderung: Wo es Angebote gibt

Reisen mit Behinderung: Wo es Angebote gibt

With a blink of an eye or a geistiger behind your work, a smaller travel company can focus on the fact that it is specialized and committed to its program.

Dazu zählen Stern-Reisen from Hamburg, YAT Reisen from Paderborn, Huckepack Reisen from Lauben (Allgäu), Fair – Reisen and Mehr from Mönchengladbach, Runa Reisen from Steinhagen (Westphalia) or PunktUm Tours, the Reisebüro der Lebenshilfe Dresden.

When you go on a role-playing journey, the man at Stern-reisen specializes in bedding people with educational behavior. With YAT travel it is true that people experience a more geistious feeling if they have a short background.

Deutschlands greater reisveranstalter Tui hat ebenfalls für Menschen mit Behinderung und fragments van de konkreten Bedarf mitels een Fragebogens ab. There are many barrier-free travel options in the program.

Make sure you get the best results

Reiserechtlich gilded: Werben Reiseveranstalter or Reedereien with concrete barrier-free Angeboten, müssen sie das Prochene auch einhalten. Whatever the case as a traveling companion under bed rest, the vast majority of the costs, had been described in the travel catalog of the barrier-free situation, the man was longer and sich that of the best books from the Veranstalter. Dazu rät der Reiserechtler Prof. Ernst Fuhrich.

If the previous journey is no longer hereditary, man can use a travel mangle during a break journey and anticipate or complete the travel journey.

Gericht entscheidet für Rollstuhlfahrer

If you have a travel agency, you may be able to get an answer regarding the underlying rights and transportation costs. The Landgericht Frankfurt am Main has given a Mann the travel reports of his travel broadcasts, while the hotel has no hotel beds that have settled and expected more from it.

In this article it is clear: “As a result of a well-known travel companion, a travel companion, so is the travel arrangements (and the travel agency’s travel agency) obliged to ensure that the necessary care is taken for a behind-the-scenes experience.” (Az.: 2-24 S 213/06) (dpa)