
Die Mehrheit mage zur Rezeption

Die Mehrheit mage zur Rezeption

“Here since ihre Schlüssel. The Zimmer is printed on the stock, the upgrade is the hint”: Personal contacts are often a matter of weight – but not all. Also from practical Gründen.


In most hotels you do not have to check in, nor at the reception. It is the art and well-being of a large part of the Germans: in a representation of the YouGov-Umfrage gaben zwei Drittel (66 Prozent) and, that is a personal person for the einchecken of the Rezeption.

A smaller part is one of the expectations of hotel personals: Knapp jeder and jede Funfte (19 Prozent) are laut der Umfrage, in Voraus online einzuchecken. A new problem with payment may be one of the check-in machines in the Empfangshalle des Hotels. Both options apply to the Corona pandemic.

Keine Wertschätzung at Automaten

Konkret danach gefragt, who has found the check-in and a machine, goes a Drittel van Befragten (31 Prozent) and: It is a matter of work when we check in a person. 27 Prozent hätten nach eigener Einschätzung Fear, your machine was wrong or it was not functioning.

It was less like a Viertel (23 Prozent) treasure from the vending machines, so you can check it out faster. About 16 people stopped buying, while the vending machines no longer had personal contact.

Im Auftrag von Guestline wurden 2,040 Menschen zwischen dem 6. und 8. November online befragt. The Ergebnisse has reached the Meinungsforschungsinstitut YouGov representative for the Wohnbevölkerung in Germany in 18 years. (dpa)