
Kärntner in Not: Nails and Spending

Kärntner in Not: Nails and Spending

The own family of the hotels Sandwirth, Helvig and Robert Kanduth, live in the family of Sandwirth-Kirchtages and have a tradition of houses that have a lot to offer: the “Nageln and Spenden” in the new Drahrer-Tisch. From 1900 to 1954, the Drahrer das gesellschaftliche Leben Klagenfurts and unterstützten with ihren Spending Kinder aus armen Verhältnissen were promoted. Among the Augen von Armin and Sandra Assinger, Norbert Schellander (Erbauer des Drahrer-Tisches) sees another family Kanduth, Anton and Uli Nowak, Otto and Marlis Umlauft, Guido Philipp (Raiffeisen Landesbank Kärnten), Ferdinand Bucher (Wiener Städtische Versicherung) and Othmar Petschnig (Fleischmann and Petschnig) dies historical Erbe one “ernagelten” cost 9900 Euro for “Kärntner in Not”.

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