
Burghausen nur noch Mittelmaß: Zwei Endspiele für Berg?

Burghausen nur noch Mittelmaß: Zwei Endspiele für Berg?

Wacker Burghausen in het Tief: After the Traumstart since the Salzachstädter in the No Man’s Land of the Table abgerutscht. Let both play with Wacker for years on your fall with Robert Berg and the best series. A clear proof of the chef trainer is that the kitchen can be used.

Is Robert Berg concerned about the winter trainer von Wacker Burghausen?

Is Robert Berg concerned about the winter trainer von Wacker Burghausen?

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There is a war going on over a black football club in the sky. But that is fine and was longer here: Wacker Burghausen’s Fußballmärchen hat in dieser Saison would obtain some Dämpfer. Leave the SVW on the Tatafelplatz at the end of August after playing. Danach kam aber nicht mehr fell: eight Pleas, three Unentschieden and yet neither two Siege – 9 Zähler von möglichen 39. “Eine direkten Ansatz habe ich nicht, warum es nicht mehr läuft. Sonst hätten wir das schon abgestellt”, says Andreas Huber, Leader of Wacker-Burghausen-Fußball-GmbH. “When we see the great effort and effectiveness, our season is starting to become excessive.” Was also tons?

Sechs Wochen sieglos – In der Offensive zahnlos

The last Siege of Truppe von Robert Berg lies schon oneinhalb Monate zurück: Ein 1:0 gab es Anfang Oktober zu Hause gegen Telefoonschlusslicht Türkgücü Munich. Danach War Wacker nor Dritter. We started running at Aktuell Platz 8. “We will be in the Top 5 countries in the future,” says Huber. “An dem Ziel sind wen’t dran, auch wenn wir gerade nicht unter des best fünf Mannschaften sind.” If you are a man who uses bridle, you are a man in Soll. It’s a bad situation: in the first place of the withdrawal from relegation it is now a matter of punkte.

If you live with Robert, the man will engage with both players.

Andreas Huber, Leader of the Wacker-Burghausen-Fußball-GmbH

After all, the games we played in Burghausen were lost, but we still enjoyed our own experiences. Greifen die geschäftsüblichen Mechanismen? Muss Wacker after the restart of the season during the winter break, thinking about the coaching position and how far to go? “Wir were bisher sehr ruhig, was das angeht,” said Huber and was secret. “If we live with Robert, the man will deal with both players.” How about the last night of the two? “There would be the Mannschaft auf die nächsten both Spiele vorbereiten”, Wiederholt Huber.

Part of our life in Umfeld has spent and mediated the years, allowing more pleasure to be had in that emerging Saison.

And then it is not yet the case that the Sache with the Investor: Zufällig zammenhängend with the Start of the Erfolglos-Serie that of the SV Wacker the Ankündigung rausgehauen, that is a Gesellschafter 24.9 Prozent of the Anteile of the Fußball-GmbH erworben hat. Verbunden damit die Ansage: Bis 2030 – in diesem Year feiert der Verein seinen 100. Geburtstag – wollen de Burghauser wieder hoch in Liga 3. “Einige in unserem Umfeld haben wohl die Jahreszahl vergessen and gemeint, wir müssen unbedingt gleich in dieser Saison aufsteigen” , says Huber, there is also concrete: “That is not the case, that we will spend three years playing wollen, but we will still have time to live with them.” Man has found the Weiterentwicklung of Mannschaft in the Blick and that never happened. How the team’s team stability hasn’t improved in the first game, it’s not like this is more desire-oriented.

They were also more important than two sieges during the war against two men, who were behind Burghausen in the Table Stehen: Vilzing und Augsburg II. “Wir beiten sehr akribisch, gehen fell in de Analyse. “Arbeiten, kämpfen, keine Fehler machen”, sei die Devise. “Wir wollen our bührend von den Fans in the Winterpause verabschieden.” Is it one of the reasons that you withdraw in the next time?