
5 Lebensmittel, de Leben verlängern können

5 Lebensmittel, de Leben verlängern können

5 Lebensmittel, dein Leben verlängern können

Lifespan: 5 lifetimes, which could extend your life

© Drobot Dean / Adobe Stock

Gut essen, aber wie? These lifelong flavors with a positive effect on health are better than Longevity-Foods for the Alltag.

A long time, a lifetime – it will all be one thing. It is positive that other people have a healthy lifestyle, the regularity of treatment, social contacts, good stress management and a heavy burden of stress management. If you pay attention to the Harvard University study, when you live a long life, including a healthy life and a long life, life begins.

5 Longevity-longevity for Jews Tag

1. Nusse

Mandeln, Walnüsse und Co. are the main enthusiasts of Protein products, Fiber and uncomplicated Fettsäuren. The power is especially interesting for vegetarian and vegan dishes, but also for others. Although it is a new idea to use Brainfood, it is true that a high dust-proof and so loving energy is created. Secondary substances with antioxidant phytosterols, polyphenols and flavonoids found in nature were one of the powers of Longevity-Food.

2. Obst

Fünf Portionen Obst und Gemüse tagch empfiehlt de Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) voor een aus-weighted Ernährung. Much research has been done into the prosperity that part of the profit can bring. Fibers, vitamins, mineral substances and secondary nutrients work in the anti-intensive diet, diluting the product and helping to repair it. Everything in everything is a super good mix and perfect longevity-longevity.

3. Stärkearmes Gemüse

Artichokes, Blumenkohl, Brokkoli, Mushrooms, Tomatoes – they are all suitable for preparing products and products with a longer and healthier diet. If you want to use more water and sweets, you can use carbohydrate and kilocalories. Other regular products are available on the market thanks to the ballast materials. If it is a balanced judgment, it will also be a guest on the counter, and the essential routine may not be looked at.

4. Ole

Some of the meats are prepared in a healthy way as the “guten fette” bezeichnet. You can get them all in Nussen, Avocados, Fetten Fischen wie Makrele as well as fresh olive oil and Leinöl and since they are rich in vitamins in the Körper. Moreover, positive cholesterol levels were beneficial for the longevity of a large part of the disease. Blutdruck.

BRIGITTE Dossier “Stoffwechsel”

Have you lost more than a few kilos, or a yo-yo effect? Do you want to blow up Muskel and spend a short time? Could you get a rain after returning the material? These and other excerpts are in our PDF Dossier.

Jetzt endecken

5. Vollkorn

When the people are busy with the Getreide occupation, the Getreidekorn becomes enthusiastic. Dadurch loves fiber, vitamins, oil and mineral matter. For part of the review said, that is a gesteigerter Konsum van Vollkornprodukten positive on Entzündungsprozesse in Körper auswirken konnte, and the Risiko, a Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen in Leiden, sank. A lifetime of living, that is, nudeln or travel einfach in the Alltag integrated costs.

This fun-packed lifestyle can be used with tools, an all-round component and a complete lifestyle. If you start saving files and reducing a small risk for herz-kreislauf-erkrankungen, diabetes and schlagan cases. A balanced analysis is one of the consequences and the following: So nehmen will bring a large amount of dirt and Nährstoffen onto the market.
