
Dirk Nowitzki: The work is a children’s work

Dirk Nowitzki: The work is a children’s work

While people are no longer concerned with basketball, Dirk Nowitzki (46) is a household name. The sympathetic Würzburger is no longer a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame, has a good overview of the history and has received TV guests – on Basketball fernen themes. So watch the NFL broadcast now on RTL (Sunday, 7:00 PM) during the NFL Thanksgiving Games during the Donnerstag (November 28, 6:00 PM) on Nitro to see. I’m on my way to the 46-year-old RTL/ntv interview about the sports practice that children have been given – and working in “Old School” – Dads have no idea of ​​sparrows yet.

Dirk Nowitzkis Children’s steps in the Seine Fußstapfen

Zum Basketball Hat is no longer available in 2013 and 2016, born as children’s clothing. “Aber im Tennis es alle dabei und des Playing Turniere. Je sich dabei sich und sich dabei und Spaß.” They both see Söhne Max and Morris playing their football game, while Malaika still doesn’t play gymnastics and volleyball.

This is the nicest tab for Dirk Nowitzkis

On the Internet, fans of Nowitzki were no longer concerned with the sports ambitions that Kinder zu saw. “Aus zoziale Medien stop I die Kinder komplett raus. That’s because of the platforms, on their own Themen wie de Stiftungsarbeit zu unterstützen and here and that was Witziges zu sagen. Aber ich muss da nicht jeden Tag etwas posten. Das bin nicht ich, dafür bin ich noch zu sehr ‘alte Schule””

If you are on the Grund, it is no problem that children are a useful tool. “Wir versuchen unsere Kinder noch vom Einfluss der sozialen media fernzuhalten”, gewährt der Star een seltenen Einblick in de gemeinsamen Erziehungsmethods with the blessing of Jessica Olsson.

Tochter Malaika shows that this is not the case. If the brand name is changed, the paths taken over time and how it fares together, it is not a fair thing to do. “If I was bitten, I would be happy. If I was bitten, I would be better. If I was bitten, I would be better. It is a matter of course.”
