
Info-Tag „Pflege“ mündet in Berufswunsch

Info-Tag „Pflege“ mündet in Berufswunsch

All possibilities for integration into Arbeit are: It is an Anliegen, the Ministerium for Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MAGS) and the Kreis Borken verpflichtet fühlten. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperates with the employment centers, there is a land resistance offensive, while the Circle expresses the action in a press statement.

Weigh in

Ziel der hiesigen Jobcenter sei es, Bürgergeldbezieherinnen en -bezieher über praxisbezogene Info-Veranstaltungen für Berufsfelder zu interessieren, in denen akut Arbeitskräfte braucht. The Job Center of the City of Gronau has specialized in the field of care and is located in the Pflegeschule Gronau in the St. Antonius Hospital. Deshalb and jetzt have an Info-Tag “Pflege” statt. Zwölf Inform people from the Zielgruppe – coming from Gronau and Heek – about the theme and the activities to be done. “I think that the people with the Info-Tag are being intensively discussed in the Beratung in Vorfeld, the Einladung is followed since,” says Michael Theißing, Fall Manager of Jobcenters in the city of Gronau.

Sevgi Filiz

In the first part of the Veranstaltung, Sevgi Filiz, Leiterin der Pflegeschule Gronau, and Yasemin Cayli, stellvertretende Leiterin der Einrichtung, both wrote Ausbildungsberufe “Pflegefachfrau/ -mann und Pflegefachassistenz” vor. It is all one of the two ways in which the theory and practice are studied, the doctrine and the knowledge, and one of the most valuable choices. “It fell from the indigenous tribes of Germany, war is a heavy burden, especially regarding the knowledge of the civilization of the Ausland to inform,” Sevgi Filiz explains. An active rule of the MAGS NRW is available to people from the best federal states, such as the Beispiel of Ukraine, clauses located below. So if you read a letter in any of the following questions and uncomplicated cases, the press text will be further.

I alternated some of the time for the different parts of the practice with the Pflegealltag and a “Parcours” with more stations. These were the Beispiel “Blutdruck und Puls messenger”, “Herzdruckmassage und stable Seitenlage”, “Immobilität erleben, Simulieren Blindheit” or “Körperpflege – Zähne putzen, Arme/Gesicht waschen”. Make sure you can increase interest in the personal stations, view the jewelry and photograph it.

Pflegeberuf in der Praxis erlebt

The team of the Pflegeschule clashes at the Gruppe with the Abschluss and the Station der Langzeitpflege in the Benachbarten Seniorenheim to do this. If the Veranstaltung War occurs, it is interesting to know how it is ‘anfühlt’. If the rulers are in the person of the “sisters”, they are connected as a complete inheritance with, we write the Kreis Borken. All the meanings of the information tags were in the future, that is, in your soul, monetary compensation and benefits are one of the personal considerations and interest in a Tätigkeit zu wecken, erreicht haben. There are a few things that can happen in the end of the war, while a practice in the future ends with the search for an overview, an image in the beginning of the beginning. “The Info-Tag says, what is it, the human ‘hautnah’ and the turmoil heranzuführen and not nur theoretical information. I have the feeling that I have run the Pflege, but others can also organize in Berufsfelder vergleichbare Veranstaltungen organisieren, says Susanne Lökes, Stellvertretende Leader of the Job Centers of the Kreises Borken.

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